Will hydrogen and oxygen atoms combining in H2O always result in a stable water bond or will it morph into a rabbit?
Let me try to give you an idea of how one might go about presenting an argument for intelligent design using a system that is entirely comprised of chance based relationships or random (name removed by moderator)uts.
Lets go for the much loved
monkeys and a type-writer analogy.
Lets say we have a group of immortal monkeys. They’re are randomly bashing the type-writer keys in no discernible order. In fact their behavior is chaotic. But after billions of years, and lots of wasted paper, they manage to type up the book
Alice in wonderland purely by chance.
Now we as human beings discern it to be the book Alice in Wonderland, because we can identify
intelligent information in the words. We can see it because there is a
goal directed relationship between the
meaning of the words. If this were not the case then the letters would just be gobbledigoob just like the rest of all the letters that the monkeys have writen.
Now, words alone have no objective meaning. But if the letters really did have objective meaning, then the book would objectively be
Alice in Wonderland. Thus not only could we say that Alice in wonderland as a
concept is not by chance, but we can also say that it is intelligently designed by an intelligent being despite the fact that it was actualised physically by chance by a bunch of monkeys.
In other-words, one can reasonably argue that
Alice in wonderland is an
intelligently designed blue-print that has been actualized physically by chance as a result of physical events.
Thus if we can identify something similar in our own universe, then this two would be evidence of intelligent design, not in a scientific sense, but in a teleological/philosophical sense.