The mind is very good at taking diverse, incomplete, and sometimes contradictory information and weaving it into a coherent form.
That depends on whether somebody is willing to be rationally consistent and not compromise for biases. There is no mistaking that square-circles cannot exist so long as you accept the principle of non-contradiction, but some people have been willing to think that nothing is an actual thing, so others don’t see it as important and would be willing to speculate the impossible to avoid a rational conclusion. But that doesn’t change the fact that there is only one rational conclusion.
But others find no assurance in science at all,
Science can only assure the kind of knowledge that it is designed to reveal.
And there’s no problem in seeking answers outside of it.
Of course not. For example I would not look to science to provide an explanation of the meaning that i find in my emotional experiences, and neither would i look to science to provide an ontological explanation of it’s existence. That’s a question of philosophy and religion.
That’s what Wozza is doing when he’s contemplating the stars.
He seeks a specific kind of knowledge in the stars that cannot possibly be found in the stars. In other-words he seeks scientific answers to philosophical questions.
Perhaps I’m wrong, but that’s what it looks like.
And that’s what you’re doing when you’re contemplating God.
I have found that the kind of answers i seek can only be found in God, that’s why i am drawn to God. Otherwise i would be an materialist if materialism made intelligible sense of my experiences as a personal being.
You’re both doing the same thing, looking for answers to the unknown.
Metaphysically speaking, I’m looking for answers to what is known, and so far God is the only concept that makes intelligible sense of what i know.
The problem lies in not realizing that the purpose of life isn’t to find the answers, the purpose is to seek the answers.
Why would someone seek answers if there was no hope in finding them. And if you find the answers then wasn’t that the point of seeking them, the hope of finding an answer? Otherwise what is the point?
I’ll try not to dismiss yours,
I would only dismiss your claim if it conflicted with the principle of non-contradiction which is the principle method of metaphysics.
For example if you claimed that you could knowingly cause something to exist and at the same time have no knowledge that you caused it, i would reject that claim and i wouldn’t need science or your agreement to justify it. I would be the rational one, even if you thought that you was correct.