Tim Russet and Father Drinan

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I saw Meet the Press on Easter Sunday and was appalled by Mr. Russet’s choice by choosing Father D. to represent the church.
So upset that I emailed Mr Russet and asked him why he chose a priest who appears to be out of line with the Magisterium. He did not as of yet reply to my email. Maybe I just misunderstood Father but at least to me he did not make any sense or maybe I missed the whole point of the program. I was wondering if anyone felt the same way as I do and I was wondering if you all do could you please email Mr. Russet and voice your opinion.
I would very much like to see a faithful catholic represent our holy mother church in the news then one who does not believe in the teaching of church and just decides to do it his way. This program has been reaired on MSNBC at least twice b/c it was so popular and I would like the truth told as the Holy Father would want it told–I getting tired of listening to the souls who have separated themselves from the church explaining our faith in the secular media. Thanks for listening and God Bless, Joanna.
Don’t hold your breath. He chose him becaue he is a dissenter and has a history of such. That is what I have been told in another thread.

I did see the program. The whole weekend they had dissenting priests on. I was relieved to see Fr. Pavone on Hannity tonight. He was one amongst many dissenters this week. I will email Russert. I did email FOX this week in complaint for all the dissenters. I told them they were being antiCatholic. I really believe it.

They prider themselves on the fair and balanced. However, when they get a Catholic priest it should be a true Catholic.
Finally somebody got it right and choose to interview an orthodox catholic in Frank Pavone. Thank You Sean Hannity for giving Fr Pavone a voice on television. Somebody tell MSNBC to interview a real catholic I saw that they also talked to Fr McBrien the Heretic from Notre Dame. Can’t they get anybody orthodox. McBriend also came on O Reilley and spout the same hereticla opinions at least they had on another priest later in the show that said McBrien according to Him was wrong. MSNBC gives on the heretical catholic opinions.
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