As I explained before the time elapse between two states of affair cannot be zero since the system becomes ill-defined. Let put things into equation: Suppose that you are dealing with free fall as you are interested. The change in position as I discussed is dx=a*dt^2/2. You get dx=0 if you set dt=0 or in another world dx is not zero only if dt is not zero. In simple word you cannot have dx=/=0 with dt=0.Once more: a body is at rest. That is a state of motion. Then it starts moving: that is another state of motion. The second state of motion is different from the first state of motion. Therefore, there is a change in the state of motion of the body. So, in general there is a change. However, there is no time elapsed for this change (and this example is much more simple to think about than thinking about creation, eternity and God. Aren’t you able to understand such a simple thing?). This particular case refutes your implicit universal proposition “All change involves time”.
My conclusion follows if we can agree on the previous comment.When you say that creation is a change in the state of being of the universe (first the universe does not exist; then it exists), you use your implicit universal proposition to conclude, first, that creation involves time (because it is a change, you say), and then to conclude that time was not created. But as your universal proposition is false; your conclusions are false as well.