As finite beings we can’t conceive of infinite time or eternity. I believe that time was created as a “pause”, so to speak, in eternity in order to literally give us time to decide between eternal life and eternal death (eternal separation from God). Time might mean physical death-that there is a finality or an end to the road which we find ourselves on. Death, both spiritual and physical, entered the world when we were cast out of the garden and banned from eating from the tree of life. This is God’s merciful reprieve from the immediate annihilation which justice apparently demanded for the act of original sin. Since the genesis of all evil is this act of rebellion against God and His order or laws which exist within us, God could’ve just chosen to wipe the slate clean and start over. Instead, He accommodated creation by allowing time, a “temporary” or short-time fix, where we could experience the fruits of sin, coming to know good and evil, and, if we’re smart, coming to reject evil by choosing good, ultimately partaking from the tree of life again which Jesus won us back the right to eat of. But this metanoia or change of heart requires time. Without this need of learning, time would be unnecessary. Another way of looking at it is that life on earth is a temporary separation from God to see how we like it-to see what life without God, and with created things being the highest good, is really like- and to see whether or not we’ll choose to make that separation permanent.
Maybe not-anyway that’s my thoughts on it.