As for gay marriage and abortion, learn as much as you can about the issues to be able to be articulate and persuasive when speaking about the issue, so any conversation does not turn into a heated emotional screaming match. Abortion is not a women’s issue, it is a human an issue and we have to have the courage to speak up and defend the sacredness of human life. Today you can share your views with others by sharing articles and videos with them.
THIS VIDEO May help you touch those who are open to the truth about abortion.
The nucleus of a healthy society is the natural human family, where the male-female, masculine-feminine, man-woman, husband-wife, father-mother paradigm creates the natural nest for new little baby boys and girls to come into this world, having the influence of both father and mother. The tragic reality is that most of society’s ills are rooted in the breakdown of the family; the vast majority of people in prison today come from broken families, children who had no positive father figures. As the family is torn apart so goes society. Gay marriage and the normalization of sodomy as a virtue and masqueraded as a “sacred institution” only furthers the destruction of the natural paradigm and lead to atrocious psychological damage to children that are pulled into such relationships.
As for your faith in Jesus Christ and what the Church teaches, learn your faith and live your faith and always be ready to give reasons for your faith, and defend it when others speak against it. Be aware that Scripture says much about cowardice, and Christ Himself said _Whoever is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels_Lk9:26