Tips for Going to Mass Alone

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I used to feel the EXACT SAME WAY! When you are used to going to Church with someone, suddenly it is a totally different experience going by yourself. However, God may be using this situation to improve your confidence and to grow you in boldness. I agree with everyone else, but there is more to it than that. Two things I had to realize for myself to get the courage to always go to Mass, with or without my husband:
  1. I am here first to serve God, my husband, second.
  2. Other people at Mass are nervous too. They have the SAME insecurities I have. By showing confidence and focusing on Christ, I will give THEM more peace and take away THEIR insecurities!
  3. Although there are some valid reasons for not attending Mass, most fears about going are temptations from the devil. I had to learn that, most of the time, a determination from deep within my heart to please God more than myself or my fellow man, usually takes those fears away. If I have a bad gut feeling, there is usually an option to go to Mass somewhere else.
  4. Fashion, vanity, and popularity are not worthy of the Sacrifice of the Mass. This is a Celestially-Attended Spiritual Banquet full of untold graces for you! Going to Mass yourself is one of the greatest gifts you can give your spouse! Make sure to pray for him every time the gifts are brought-up, this is when your Guardian Angel smiles because you are attentive at Mass.
    This is what I finally had to understand: if my shoes were too old, if my hair was not pretty enough, if my clothes were not “cool” enough, but I had done everything to look my best, then I realized that it was all significant, it was all good, because I would be present at a celebration of love that has eternal consequences, and my place in the world at that Mass was good enough. I was not rich in clothes but I was rich in love and grace and the generosity of Jesus Christ!
I’m a single Protestant who (very) occasionally attends mass, and always alone (no Catholic friends or family members). During the times I’ve been, no one has responded as though I had grown a second head, or indeed noticed me much at all.

Remember there just might be someone else at mass who is even more nervous than you are!
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