Tips to stay out of pornography?

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I struggle with viewing pornographic images. I know I shouldn’t view these things, but I feel like I can’t stop myself. Any tips to stay away from the stuff?
Any tips to stay away from the stuff?
It’s all part of living what St Paul writes about in Galatians 5 .

" You , my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh …

" So I say, walk by the Spirit , and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit , and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law .The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

" But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

" Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. "
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Any tips to stay away from the stuff?
Well, from a non-Biblical point of view, I would say that viewing pornographic images is a choice one makes. On a computer, it requires an active search or clicking on a bookmark, usually. Do not conduct the search and remove the bookmarks.

Sometimes, there is unintentional viewing of naked people (I’ve seen this on Pintrest, for example.). I don’t look at Pintrest much - usually for educational pins. Most I’ve run across are half-nude people - shirtless and in underwear. I skip those. That begs the question of whether images of that nature are pornography.

What constitutes pornography, for instance? Is it simple viewing of a naked person for a moment or lascivious thoughts regarding the person? I think it’s the latter. But I digress as this is probably a different thread altogether.

So, I’d stop searching for it, throw away any hard copies of pornographic images, and remove browser bookmarks to the material. If you think it’s an addiction, professional guidance from a counselor or your priest might help.
If you think about why you use pornography it may help see this for what it is, vicarious living. Let’s say you have an urge, you look at pornography, satisfy your urge and move on. You need to think about what you’ve just done, it wasn’t real for you but you’ve given yourself an addiction to fantasy.

What would happen if you sorted out this urge without pornography? That at least would limit the mental and spiritual damage you do yourself, and it wouldn’t affect how you think of people either. After a while you won’t need pornography and it should reduce your urges too. Maybe even help you to control them.

If you’re serious about relinquishing your grip on this habit then you might find this helpful. I hope so. Why not try it for six months?
Yes I can give you MANY tips, I’ll PM you because it’s very lengthy. I’ve struggled with pornographic images also in the past so I know what it’s like to feel you can’t stop. First thing is to give up something you like, say soda. The logic is: if you can’t deny yourself a Pepsi how can you deny yourself porn? Cold showers are also good because they force us to regain control of our bodies. Also adoration and daily rosary and divine mercy Chaplet. These gain us spiritual strength in the battle.

Also, consider using Covenent Eyes, it is the best accountability and filtering software on the market. Check out Matt Fradd who has written books and given many talks on how to fight porn addiction. He also runs this great Podcast on fighting porn:

Also, block all sites you know you frequent to get these pornographic images. Throw out any you may have somewhere. Disable private and incognito searches and enable ‘safe search.’ Also, add parental controls to further block pornographic content. Also if you are Catholic, frequent Confession, it really helps and gives you graces to fight the urges. It really helped me.

I sent you a private message on the rest of my tips, it is lengthy
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Every time you are tempted, say “Lord, help me.” Every time. God does not mind. Repeat it over and over and God will give you the grace to stop. If you fall back in, keep praying. God knows you. His mercy is infinite.
Pray. All day long and especially when you get the urge to sin. Know that you’re not alone–millions of Americans struggle with porn, including many Catholics.
Pray. Pray. Pray.
As a former porn addict, I can say that addiction becomes hard to break the longer one is addicted. Just saying ‘stop it’ is less effective than the addict realizing he has a problem, and it involves a change that means some cannot stop on the first try. That’s where asking God for help is important.
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Okay, I’ll be honest with you, sometimes, you search for an innocuous thing and end up with pornography. It’s happened to me multiple times. That’s not a sin, as you had no control over it. HOWEVER, it can be, and often is, a trigger. If this is from web searches or the like, it may be advantageous for you to get some filtering content.
My honest advice to you is to suggest that you wean yourself off of all forms of secular entertainment. I know it sounds extreme but we need to captivate our entire mind to obediance to Christ. TV shows, music, movies, books, video games etc. Surround yourself with with things pertaining to God and godliness. Do this and you won’t even conceive in your mind to view porn.
God be with you and give you strenth and wisdom.
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I was advised by a priest that when it comes to men objectifying women as sexual objects, Mary is our greatest ally and prayers to Mary are particularly powerful. He also suggested having an icon of Mary in the home to which I’d add, in the bedroom. Even on top of one’s computer!
I didn’t have an icon so I bought one, a small and inexpensive hanging mini-tapestry with crosses. I will be getting more.
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List your triggers: what leads up to watching porn? What things do you google that is leading up to it? Is there a specific time of day where you’re more inclined to do this?

Avoid sexually explicit memes, movies, jokes and music.

Go to the same confessor (face to face if able).

Strictly Filter your internet search, in your browser settings, to avoid pornographic images.

Before you give in call on Jesus and the intercession of Mary. Dont allow yourself to watch porn until you Pray an entire rosary first.

Remember that satan is in a Pursuit for your soul. Tell him [satan] to get behind you and renounce the temptation in the mighty name of Jesus!!
I struggle with viewing pornographic images. I know I shouldn’t view these things, but I feel like I can’t stop myself. Any tips to stay away from the stuff?
Find an uplifting activity, such as, serving others in need, to occupy your time. As the saying goes, “Idle hands are the devil’s workshop”. Also, serving others helps us be more like Jesus, Who scripture tells us “went about doing good…” (Acts 10:38) God bless you in the desire to quit.
The best advice I got was from a confessor who told me in AA they have the saying ‘Not one drop.’

My tips:

The rosary. Pray it every day without fail. Consecrate yourself to our Blessed Mother.
Frequent confession. At least once month.
Ask for help when tempted. Accept you cannot win this fight on your own. You need the help both on this world and the saints in heaven. YOU CANNOT DEFEAT LUST YOURSELF! DON’T EVEN TRY!
Download the Victory app from Life Teen
Sign up for Covenant Eyes if you can afford it.
Fast - not just from food but from other things as well. It will help your focus.
Learn to forgive yourself as well when you fail (you WILL fail, we ALL do)

At some point you may find you have got this thing under control, but always be wary. Once you have seen something it is pretty much impossible to unsee it and thoughts will creep in despite your best efforts.
This may not be your intention, but you’re coming across as calling me a liar. It has happened to me, which is why I suggested filtering software. Because I’m just completely going to make something like that up when I’m trying to help someone. :roll_eyes:
Has happened to me. Years ago my son was looking for a recipe he needed for school (middle school). They were all going to have to make an apple pie. Entered “apple pie” into google and the first link we clicked on opened up to a porn site, named apple pies, or something like that. I was mortified.
Not at all, I simply wonder how this happens. People tell me they google search for “peach pie recipes” and end up with pornography. I wonder how that happens!
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