I understand I am posting in a forum of those who are well-versed and knowledgeable about our Catholic faith… and I have many questions. I hope you won’t think me too ignorant, but I’m very confused… So many things I have come to know and understand while growing up are either wrong or obsolete in my church. For the past few years I felt this was Catholicism as a whole and am still unsure what things are truly obsolete everywhere, and what are just according to the church I attend or whom I am speaking to. Hoping you can shed some light?
- Do any churches exist where you can go to confession when you need to, or are they all just one scheduled hour of the week to wait in line?
- Do any Catholic churches leave their doors open during non-mass times for parishioners to come in and pray privately in a pew or light a candle? Or speak to a priest without making an appointment?
- My church has dropped the word ‘Roman’ from all outside signs, bulletin, and any reference to ‘Catholic’ or ‘Catholic Church’. I could swear it was there just last year (please don’t think me an idiot, I’ve only been back a few years after having been away from the church for some years). Is this a decision instituted by a Pope past or present? If so, why?
- ‘Purgatory is no longer measured in time’ and therefore ‘Indulgences are a thing of the past and have been considered obsolete in prayer and practice’.
- If I refer to anything which took place prior to Vatican II with those who work in the church, I always feel a bit of disapproval for bringing it up and am quickly told “That was pre-Vatican II” and it is dismissed without discussion. And I suddenly feel as if I’ve said a dirty word or something without realizing it. I understand that things have changed, and I know we are not to question the Authority of the Pope or his Church, at no point have I intimated that I did. I guess I just have a certain sentimentality towards older customs, and am just wondering why it is so wrong to have any reverence for the past at least in the slightest way… what is it that I’m not getting?
I’m sure I have many more questions, so as not to inundate you with what you may consider stupid/obvious questions that any good Catholic should already know the answers to, I will hold them for now. I am trying to learn what I can as to all the changes which have taken place in the Catholic religion over the years that I’ve obviously missed, but there are so many sources and they
frequently contradict each other…
Any suggestions for good resources which explain just what is/is not acceptable/recognized/practiced today would be greatly appreciated. Or at least information on what is practiced by some churches and not others… I have The Catechism of the Catholic Church, but some of what I’m told by those who work at the church contradicts what I read.