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Well, I thought I would try to defocus the forum off of sex (abortion/homosexuality) for awhile. It seems as Americans we love to talk about the sexual habits of others but won’t talk about with our future spouses or the community on how the checking account will be set up.

Anyway, I am trying to find an official position on this practice of tithing and can’t. Digitial Deacon? Your references are always helpful.

You are required to offer financial support to the Church, as well as to other charitable causes, but the Catholic church does not require a fixed percentage.

That’s an Old Covenant concept that is no longer binding.
Paul W:
You are required to offer financial support to the Church, as well as to other charitable causes, but the Catholic church does not require a fixed percentage.

That’s an Old Covenant concept that is no longer binding.
Isn’t it because Jesus already paid for it?
I don’t think it’s because Jesus already paid for it. Jesus paid the price of our sins so we could be spiritual children of God again, we don’t offer money at Church for this reason. We offer money to help other members of the Church and society. Jesus did not abolish the Old Testament laws of caring for widows and orphans. He made them even greater. The difference is that our motivation for giving should be love of Jesus. In New Testament days, Christians gave EVERYTHING they had to the community- not just a tithe. Therefore, we are still called to give ourselves totally to the Body of Christ, whether this be through our money, talents, or prayers. However, it is important that we keep in mind the widow who gave two coins- it seemed small to the apostles, but really, it was greater than the donations of the rich men, because she gave everything she had, not excess of wealth. If we keep this in mind, we will not judge others on how much they offer, but constantly focus on how we can give back to God the gifts He has given us.
"Therefore, we are still called to give ourselves totally to the Body of Christ, whether this be through our money, talents, or prayers. "

This is so true. My priest told a story once of when he was in Africa and it came time for the offeratory procession and everyone left the Chruch. Soon they came back dancing with produce and things that they had made like candles, clothes, and stuff to give.

The point is that giving money is great, but tithing can take many many forms inside of the Church. Try giving your time to volunteer work in your prarish. If you can repair furnaces, offer to keep the parish’s running, or if you can answer phones, offer to do that. Offer to visit the people who cannot leave their homes to come to Mass. Shovel the sidewalk in front of the Chruch. The list is endless and these are all things that are greatly needed in every parish and can add up to be a considerable financial strain on a parish.
I asked that same question of two people I trust who are both very loyal to the church and schooled in the Church’s teachings as well as being accountants, and apparently there’s no such thing as an official position. They both gave me (independently) the same answer however… the ten percent rule applies, to net income, 5% to the church (if you are pleased with how they spend their money) and 5% to other charities including the church (if you are really pleased with their ministerial work), diocese, homeless shelters, whatever charities are close to your heart. It’s funny, I always asked the question, but it’s a tough one to get a straight forward answer to. It obviously still comes down to conscience, but at least it’s a guide that keeps us from thinking if we drop five bucks a week in the collection basket it keeps the church going.
Fr. Larry Richards says that one of the biggest scandals in the Church is bingo! If parishioners didn’t shirk their responsibility to contribute, we wouldn’t need to support our parishes by gambling.

Interesting POV with a large grain of truth.

BTW, if you haven’t heard his tapes, pop over to the Mary Foundation for some terrific free tapes.


They offer:* The Conversion of Scott Hahn
  • John Corapi’s Amazing Story
  • Mary Foundation Rosary
  • The Truth About Mary (Patrick Madrid & Marcus Grodi)
  • How to Raise Great Children (Dr. Bob McDonald)
  • Confession (Fr Larry Richards)
  • The Mass Explained (Fr Larry Richards)
  • Marriage and the Eucharist (Christopher West)
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