What does anyone think of tithing? I’ve come to belive that the tithe is the Lord’s and the basis for anyone’s financial life as a Christian is the principle of sowing and reaping. This is expressed by St. Paul in 2 Corintians Chapter 9 vs 6 from the Catholic Living Bible as “But remember this if you give little, you will get little . A farmer who plants just a few seeds will get only a small crop, but if he plants much, he will reap much.” This is also confirmed by Father Johh Hugo in “Applied Christianity” where he says “Not that we have to wait for eternity for returns on our sowing: God promises us a hundredfold even on earth. Accordingly, when people are in need of money or this world’s goods, the way to get them is to sow them. Suppose an institution needs money for charitable purposes and desires God’s help in its efforts; it should “sow” some money; i.e., it should give help to the poor. This is foolishness accoriding to natural reason; but it is according to the wisodm of God and the law of the supernatural life as Jesus Himself has taught”.