Hope I’m not coming across as rude, but how did you reach that conclusion?Nothing was added to the Missal, i.e. the oridnary of the mass. The liturgical calendar doesn’t equal the Missal, the rules regarding when Easter Vigil can be does not equal the Missal. The readings of the day does not equal the Missal. The Missal that QP was referring to was the ordinary of the Mass.
The Ordinary of the Missal of 1570 was changed- very slightly, but changed, in 1604.
This is just a question: if QP does not apply to the sanctorale, why is it that the Popes included things like (I’m using Grande Munus for the feast of Ss. Cyril and Methodius here as an example):
"We decree that July 5 be set aside in the calendar of the universal Roman Church, as Pius IX ordained. On this day the feast of Sts. Cyril and Methodius shall be celebrated annually with the office and mass proper to a double minor rite…
when adding new feasts?We order this to be established and fixed as written above, nothwithstanding the constitutions of Pope St. Pius V and other apostolic documents on the reform of the breviary and the Roman Missal"