Why are so many people keen on bringing back the Tridentine Mass, when you could just as well celebrate the Novus Ordo in latin with ad orientem? In my country (Sweden) there is no parish where it is done that way, but I know there are at least some in the U.S. (for example, Assumption Grotto Parish in Detroit,
Isn’t saying that the Tridentine Mass is better than the Novus Ordo the same thing as saying that the ecumenical council which decided on the liturgic reform made a mistake? And what is it really that’s better with the Tridentine Mass than the Novus Ordo celebrated in Latin and ad orientem? For my part, I would definitely prefer ad orientem before versus populum, but it would be perfectly ok if at least the readings where in the vernacular language (just as Vatican II said). What I don’t understand is why there’s so many people who thinks that the best thing to do is just throwing away all of the liturgical reform, like it was just a big mistake. That doesn’t sound very much like something an infallible Church would do to me.