The LDS church has changed their temple ceremonies over the years. They have taken out the original anti-Catholic parts and eliminated the evil clergyman who takes cash from the devil to deceive others. Even the masonic blood oaths have been toned down. But from what I read the temple endowment is a strange, odd, disturbing, and rather banal ceremony. Most who go through it are suprised and dismayed. A few even leave the mormon church then and there. I don’t know if it is Satanic, but it sure freaks some mormons right out of their church.
I have been in several Temples over the past years and have never felt any of the feelings you say most LDS have told you they feel. I have always felt a wonderful peace and closeness to God. It is the closest to heaven that I think one can feel on earth. It is not a bit strange, it is Holy and Sacred and gives one a feeling of being clean and pure and very close to Heaven. Away from the impurities of the world. I have never seen or heard any anti-Catholic parts or any anti-anything. If you have never been in a Temple and never taken part in the ceremonies how can you repeat hearsay. The Temples are so filled with people that I am sure the one or two you say left immediately will not be missed too badly. I would say good ridance and I hope they found what they were looking for.
I believe it would be similar to what you would feel in one of your great Cathedrals, lighting candles and praying to the various saints and Mary and God. These things would feel very strange to me. I think it is a matter of what you have been raised to believe.
My Catholic husband felt very strange in the LDS church at first, because it is very simple and not ornate at all. We do not pass a basket for the offering, our tithings are paid privately when we wish or IF we wish to pay them, our leaders are unpaid and people such as myself give talks on the gospel and our sacrament is bread and water which is passed to the congregation by deacons(which are 12 year old boys).
My husband feels quite comfortable in my church now, even though he still prefers his Parish and is more comfortable in the Catholic church with the things that are familiar to him. He has his very special rosary beads which I think are memorized prayers, I still do not understand the significance, and he doesn’t eat meat on Fridays during lent, which means we had to stay home from a Chili cook off on this past Friday. He is very strict about his religion. I think we can respect each others beliefs without ridicule even though they are different than that which we are accustomed to practicing. I hope that you and Boppy can feel comfortable believing your own religion and allow others to believe differently without criticising and ridiculing, as you seem to find a real joy in doing.
As Jesus said “Love one another as I have loved you”, and “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. I know that seems banal, mundane and trite to you but it still applies in this day and age and if we all followed His example we would not be reading the ridicule of other religions and beliefs that we have been exposed to in this forum.
May we all at this Easter Season, remember His great sacrifice on our behalf, that we may be forgiven our sins, if we repent and renounce them.
Charity and Love to all,