“Cleopatra’s nose, had it been shorter, the whole face of the world would have been changed.” - Pascal
I doubt it. He had at the core of his personality, psychotic tendencies. He would have used something else as an excuse to take over and kill millions of innocent people in the process. If there had been another group of people readily available for him to persecute other than the Jewish people, he would have slaughtered them.If Hitler got into art college the world would be different.
Other factors needed to be at work. If Germany hadn’t been humiliated, with the brutality of the Communists next door in Russia worrying a lot of them, and if there hadn’t been the great depression, Hitler would probably have never had the grounds to start the Nazi movement. He may have still had psychotic tendencies, but their effects would have been much more limited.I doubt it. He had at the core of his personality, psychotic tendencies. He would have used something else as an excuse to take over and kill millions of innocent people in the process. If there had been another group of people readily available for him to persecute other than the Jewish people, he would have slaughtered them.
Yes!Hmm. I don’t want to de-rail this thread, but none of the stated events are coincidences.
“A situation in which events happen at the same time in a way that is not planned or expected.” - Merriam-WebsterYes!
Define coincidence first.
Statements like this are the reason I asked which definition of coincidence was being discussed.Unless any of us are the product of a prearranged marriage, we all are the product of a coincidence.
Then you believe God is **directly **responsible for all the disasters, diseases and deformities in the world?It is God alone who affects our lives, with nothing due to chance.
There is another camp that says “Everything is a coincidence and nothing is significant”…It does seem like there are two “camps” when it comes to coincidences.
The “camp” that says “wow, that’s such a coincidence that it must mean something significant”
and the second “camp” that says…"eh, it was just a coincidence, doesn’t mean much of anything.
We cannot always distinguish planned from unplanned coincidences. I believe our infinitely loving God intervenes far more than we realise…by the definitions and examples given, Jesus was a coincidence of man and God.
Therefore our faith is a coincidence and we walk, coincidentally, by faith in him. Therefore
our whole life path is a coincidence of soul and faith, in him.
What is life for those who claim to have no faith, no belief in God?
They are constantly running into us. Does that make a coincidence?
True, true, true!There is another camp that says “Everything is a coincidence and nothing is significant”…![]()