So, there is another thread in another forum called "give your best reason for not becoming Catholic’. I responded to it with a few reasons, but frankly this thread provides a reason far better than any I came up with.
Whether God intimately and immediately causes everything which happens, or whether nature proceeds on its own course and the vast majority of things that happen on Earth are the result of chance and natural processes - that appears to me to be the single biggest question for theists of any stripe to answer.
It has huge import for the problems of pain and evil. It determines what prayer is and should be. It informs everyone on whether God ‘takes’ people in death at the time of His choosing, or whether deaths occur by natural processes like disease, car wrecks, and lightning.
I think this is the single most important question…and Catholicism has apparently done nothing on it, or about it. Sure, ecumenical councils can be called and Bishops made to ride camels for thousands of miles to meet to determine what title will be given to the Virgin Mary, but nobody ever thought to answer the question 'Does God kill people and take them or do they die naturally?" or “Does God cause Tsunamis?” or even “Does God give people cancer?”. Even on this message board, if you ask some arcane question about the history of Transubstantiationalism, you’ll get six dozen laser-precise answers about Aquinas and Berengar, but ask if God causes thousands of people to die in a natural disaster and nobody can agree.
This seems, to me, to be confusion bordering on insanity.
So, I revise my answer. This may be the very best reason not to be Catholic.