Toads Exploding In Denmark, Germany

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Toads Exploding In Denmark, Germany

Copenhagen Post | April 28 2005

Thousands of toads are exploding in central Denmark and northern Germany. Environmental factors or an unknown disease may cause the phenomenon

Biblical plague, extraterrestrial bacteria, or climate changes? Thousands of toads are exploding across northern Germany and central Denmark, baffled animal experts report.

Hundreds of toads have begun to explode near a lake in the town of Låsby in Mid-Jutland. According to reports, the toads climb on to land, swell to up to three times their normal size, and burst, casting their innards up to one metre in the air. A similar phenomenon has also been reported in the German city of Hamburg, where authorities report that over 1000 toads are dead.

Experts are at a loss to explain what is causing the toads’ painful deaths, which primarily take place between two and three a.m.

‘It’s like a science fiction film,’ said Werner Smolnik, a representative for a Hamburg animal welfare organisation. ‘You can see the animals crawling around on the ground, then they swell up, and finally they burst.’

Frank Jensen, curator of Denmark’s Museum of Natural History, said to Denmark’s TV2 that the mysterious deaths likely had an earthly explanation, namely toxins found in fertilisers or changes in the ozone layer.

The Danish Meteorological Institute warned yesterday of increased ozone radiation reaching Denmark. Amphibians such as toads and frogs are known to be sensitive to slight environmental changes.

While German authorities surmise that the gruesome deaths are caused by bacterial or viral infection, they were still confounded by the incident.

‘I have never seen anything like this,’ said veterinarian Otto Holst.
That is strange! Toads and frogs are very sensitive to the slightest environmental factor. When I was in school, I came out of class one night (there had been a big rainstorm), and there were thousands of toads hopping all over the place. One of them actually jumped into my shoe (I had to take the shoe off and shake him out 😃 ) I haven’t seen a display like that since.
There’s another thread on this in one of these forums.

Thinking it over, I can recall a story where some sadist would force an alka-seltzer tablet down a frog’s gullet and get the same effect. I wonder if there’s a connection?
Found this on AP News:
Birds May Be Behind Exploding German Toads

BERLIN - Why are toads puffing up and spontaneously exploding in northern Europe? It began in a posh German neighborhood and has spread across the border into Denmark. It’s left onlookers baffled, but one German scientist studying the splattered amphibian remains now has a theory: Hungry crows may be pecking out their livers.

Full Story
One question. Any film footage of it happening:bigyikes:

vern humphrey:
There’s another thread on this in one of these forums.

Thinking it over, I can recall a story where some sadist would force an alka-seltzer tablet down a frog’s gullet and get the same effect. I wonder if there’s a connection?
oh no! that is cruel.
Found this on AP News: One question. Any film footage of it happening:bigyikes:

Uh…little bit of a sadist hmmm?
Seems to be caused by hungry crows who eat their livers. The frogs inflate as a preventative measure. After their livers are gone, and they have a hole in them, they start bleeding and fill up with blood, eventually explode.

It is natural… just unusual for a city person to see it.


Exploding toads may have been pecked by birds for their livers
San Diego Union Tribune, CA -
They learn quickly from watching other crows how to have described it as a scene out of a horror or science fiction movie, with the bloated frogs agonizing and
I got it! these frogs have sex with Satan and the baby satan is too big for them to carry
I got it! these frogs have sex with Satan and the baby satan is too big for them to carry
Now that’s an imagination!! I thought maybe Al Qaida was trying out some new Improvised Explosive DEvices (Frog bombs instead of car bombs)
I think this is totally bizzare,but I am not surprised:nope:
This is a wierd thread for a Catholic board, but I read it anyway. 🤓

A quick check with Google shows that there has been an explosion of stories about the exploding toads in Germany and Denmark, but it appears they are all the same story – right down to the exact quotes with entrails leaping up to a meter into the air. The story is too new to check it out on the legends page, but I wonder.:hmmm:

Some of the possible explanations given by “experts” do not seem like the sort of hypotheses that “experts” would come up with.

Amphibians will swell up like balloon if they consume sugar. Sometimes, a kid will feed their pet a piece of hard candy thinking that they are doing it a favor :whacky: or to just see what would happen.:whistle: :tsktsk: The amphibians digestive sytem is not designed to handle the sugar so bacteria takes over. The bacteria produce carbon dioxide as a waste product. I witnessed this once with a newt and it was a sad sight. 😦 We first tried to burp it but realized it was a lost cause.:nope: We put the poor beast out of its misery when it was about twice its normal size. :eek:
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