What is Canon law, how many Canon laws are there, and where can I find them all without buying a huge book of them?
I read this quote: “Canon law is binding upon all Catholics. Breaking the law is a sin”. How grave of a matter is it when that Cathlic education systems have fallen short of teaching things to us corectly? I am basically trying to figure out what it the “suprame law of the Catholic church”, because the biships, cardinals and even the Pope is obligated to follow the rules and I want to know what those rules are that take precedence over everything else (even preceding but not superceeding the Bible). If I see a bishop doing something how and what can I use in the defense of the church to say “you are wrong” and there is no interpreteation involved?
Hope this makes sense.
Deus Vobiscum
I read this quote: “Canon law is binding upon all Catholics. Breaking the law is a sin”. How grave of a matter is it when that Cathlic education systems have fallen short of teaching things to us corectly? I am basically trying to figure out what it the “suprame law of the Catholic church”, because the biships, cardinals and even the Pope is obligated to follow the rules and I want to know what those rules are that take precedence over everything else (even preceding but not superceeding the Bible). If I see a bishop doing something how and what can I use in the defense of the church to say “you are wrong” and there is no interpreteation involved?
Hope this makes sense.
Deus Vobiscum