I just truly don’t see the huge amount of controvery the topic of modesty can truly bring. I am honesty so sad that there are catholics who advocate for immodest clothing such as the miniskirt or short shorts.
Whether one accepts this or not, these types of clothes offend God so much. I believe that has been proven by some of you here.
Listen I am not here to attack anyone. Please know that. But also know that just because modesty differs from one culture to another, doesn’t mean that certains types of clothes are appropriate. When I look at girls who dress immodestly by such revealing clothes, the things that come across is that many guys won’t treat them like ladies but rather as sexual objects.
I know that I will not convince you Debora123, Walking Home, or Lost Wanderer. I just needed to post this video called
The Naked Truth about Modesty.
Here is the link to anyone who wishes to listen to it.
It is about an hour long but worth to see. All I can offer is my prayers for you three.
God bless.
Dear Art321,
Cordial greetings and a very good day. Thankyou for the above contribution, dear friend.
The reason that there exists so much controversy among Catholics today with regards to choice of clothing, is because so many, especially neo-Catholic orthodox types, have assimilated in large measure the godless spirit of the age with its lowered standards and voluptuous tastes in dress. Rather than countering the anti-Catholic and anti-Christian sexual and moral revolution by re-establishing wholesome and biblical principles in society, they have warmly and enthusiastically embraced the debased standards of the revolution, even becoming its most vocal spokesmen, much to the chagrin of all devout and God fearing Catholics. Perhaps this was to be expected, given the Laodicean lukewarmness and worldliness that has sadly prevailed within Holy Mother Church in the aftermath of Vatican II. Thus, as a result of this monumental failure on the part of multitudes of modern day Catholics to raise a standard against the abounding morally permissive culture, there has hardly been any firm and bold resistance to seductive styles of clothing, unbefitting of those who profess godliness.
Moreover, there has been an almost complete loss of the instinct for modesty among the faithful in recent times and the words of Pope Pius XII continue to be highly apposite: “How many young girls there are who do not see any wrongdoing in following certain shameless styles like so many sheep. They would certainly blush if they could guess the impression they make and the feelings they evoke in those who see them”. Methinks that the good Pope would be branded a ‘Puritan prude’ in the
mileu of today’s morally degenerate society, or at the very least, charged with damaging the Church’s credibility by such harsh words and not being youth friendly.
Unfortunately, our lot is cast in times when men no longer see the exceeding sinfulness of sin, the ‘anything goes’ mindset of the Sixties has certainly ensured that. As a consequence we have had to witness the erruption of shameful styles of attire that are utterly at variance with timeless Christian modesty. The faithful should never have allowed themselves to be carried along by the godless spirit of the world and its unseemly fashions, but should have steadfastly resisted such fashions and denounced them in the most strongest terms. However, the Church itself must take some share of the blame for this capitulation to the world, for it has largely remained silent and refused to counteract the ever increasing tide of moral and cultural deterioration in its midst.
Yes, it is most lamentable to witness even conservative Catholics defend and rationalize seductive styles of clothing, such as the mini-skirt, shorts, low-cut tops that reveal cleavage and the bikini (why would any God-fearing Catholic lady wish to wear what is basicly her underwear in public - it just beggars belief!). Our plight is jolly serious and worrisome, that is for sure. Nevertheless, I remain sanguine because we have God and the consistent teaching of the Church throughtout the ages on our side. Take courage, my dear chap.
Warmest good wishes,