Dear Catholicwife1
I’m sorry to hear about your struggle with family of origin. My husband and I went through our own version of estrangement with my parents so I know how difficult it must be for you. It is good that you are seeing a therapist and I recommend that you speak to your priest for guidance also. Abusive relationships are not healthy and your parents seem to be abusive towards you. This can not be tolerated. However, do not despair as there is always hope if we trust in Jesus. Pray for your parents and if possible go to adoration weekly. It may take a long time, years even, but continue to pray for them. Do not feel guilty for being married and having your own life. Your life with your husband is something to treasure and value and it is sadly your parents own decision to be excluded. But there is always hope so pray, pray and pray and try to be grateful for the good things in your life today and try not to worry. God sees everything and loves you.