Conversely, also using the Novus Ordo missal, a few miles away is St. Agnes, a parish that has a “high mass” in Latin that would be difficult to tell the difference from the Tridentine high mass. The priest faces the altar, only altar boys are used, only priests and deacons give out communion on the rail on the tounge only.
The Second Vatican council never meant to have all these different options, and have this confusion, and my guess is St. Agnes is far closer to what the Concul had in mind that St. Joan of Arc parish.
Yeah, IT is exactly What Vatican II called for. The only additional option was the permission of the vernacular of those parts of the mass such as the priestly prayers, were permitted in the vernacular, whilst, the Dominus Vobiscum, the Gloria, the Credo, Sanctus, The Agnus Dei, the Pater Noster, And the Kyrie were to be retained in their Latin forms, and the Kyrie in its Greek form. Ergo, an English mass of the Novus Ordo is mandated to have Gregorian Chant and at least some or all of what I mentioned like the Kyrie, and the Sanctus to be retained in Latin, The Priest & the faithful together facing Christ present in the Tabernacle on the Alter, with a contigent of Alter Boys ((The permission of females, runs counter to tradition, and was only granted by JPII after years and years of Modernist progressive heretics badgering and heckling him, until he relented under pressure to permit this aberration. Sidenote: It was male-only do to the fact that Altar servers were the main staple recruiting ground for priest for centuries, and before seminaries, priests were trained to become priests by first serving as altar boys.))]
In addition, architecture would remain it’s traditional style ie. Pre-modernistic----architecture which entails stained glass, Statues, Icons, gold adornment, and ornate painting, and the church outline in a cruciform-like shape. All this plus this quote from this knowledgeable poster, constitutes an orthodox mass envisioned by Vatican II. This plus a good orthodox Priest and Catechism, which teach, and edify all of the Catholic Faith including her doctrines opposing Euthanasia, Abortion, Contraception, “Gay-Marriage”(With is not marriage at all, but a distortion of God’s divinely-instituted covenant of love between a man and wife under our Blessed Lord’s providence), the aborting of embryos for stem cell research, the affirmation of human dignity and rights, the primacy of truth that The Catholic Church retains, holds, and always will hold under the protection of the Holy Ghost, the fullness of the Truth that Christ has revealed to his people through his Holy Catholic Church as expressed through the means of Sacred Scripture—that is the Holy Bible----, Sacred tradition, Dogma, Doctrine, and infallible dogmatic decrees of The Church’s Ecumenical councils,and The pope when decree dogma Ex Cathedra. These Teachings plus All other teachings taught by Holy Catholic Faith, and protected by the Holy Catholic Church via the guardianship of Christ’s Truth within her by the Holy Ghost (aka. the Holy Spirit) are not only all to which the faithful are bound to by our Blessed Lord, but also the foundations for an orthodox parish, priest, and society.