Traditionalist Catholics and the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary

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Iam quite fond of JP2, as a matter of fact, when you walk in my door,
you look up, and see him there above my cross. Was it not JP2 that
gave us the Luminous Mysteries? How then can Traditionalists not want to say the Luminous Mysteries? Do they consider it invalid?
I only know my mom, my younger sister, and my older brother wont
have anything to do with it. I happen to like the approved Latin Mass.
I attended one with my older sister, and it was absolutely lovely! I
just think like you do, they are misled.
Does anybody have any more (name removed by moderator)ut?

Thank you! May God :blessyou:
Does anybody have any more (name removed by moderator)ut?
Do the Traditionalists that you speak of discount the Papacy of JPII?
That might be why.

Sometimes in my life, I only say the Sorrowful Mysteries. Not to discount the others but because they say that my problems are not so bad.
I know traditional, conservative Catholics who do not pray the Luminous Mysteries. From my observations, I believe that they leave out the new Mysteries because:

#1. The new Mysteries are still just a bit unfamiliar. These folks have been praying the Rosary the same way all their lives, and it’s hard just to throw in something new. It’s not that they have anything against the new Mysteries, so much as the fact that they just don’t often think of them - nor do they have them memorized. These good people are simply sluggish - or, if you will, lazy.

#2. When the Rosary is recited as an entirety rather than divided into sets of Mysteries, it seems preferable to preserve the150 Ave Marias through 15 Mysteries, as traditionally representative of the 150 Psalms. To recite the **entire ** Rosary as 200 Aves, by integrally including the 5 new Luminous Mysteries, destroys that scriptural symbolism (and so it seems better to recite the new Mysteries separately).

I love the new Mysteries and pray them often, but I do agree with position #2. The folks who fall into position #1 - including my wife! 😛 - just need to get with the program, and catch up with the Church in the New Millennium.

As for real Traditionalists (or as Pius XII called them, “Archaists”), anything that even smells “new” is ipso facto and *a priori * anathema, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they believed the introduction of the Luminous Mysteries to be a sign of the Great Apostasy…

That being said, I’ll bet you that Liberal/Progressive Catholics recite the Luminous Mysteries even less than do the Traditionalists - if they even pray the Rosary at all… :mad:
I know that Catholic bookstores that sell the Scriptural Rosary book now includes the Luminous Mysteries.

Also, I’ve seen many prayer folders distributed that include the Luminous Mysteries…so more and more people are becoming familiar with them.
Probably the strangest is that I have seen that some people apparently think that the Luminous Mysteries have something to do with Satan.(!) In the Bible, I think that Satan is referred to as the “angel of light”.
This quote is true!

A long time ago–in another lifetime–I was mixed up with the Lebefevrists (SSPX) and I couldn’t believe my ears when one of them proclaimed, loudly, that the Luminous Mysteries are from Satan because he’s the Angel of Light. Absolutely ridiculous. It was right around that time that I left the group. I know it’s hard to believe, but the rad-trads ARE that called RADICAL for a very good reason!

I have nothing against tradition—but I do have a problem with people who say mean things about our Beloved Pope John Paul II and with rebellious Catholics who refuse to submit to Papal Authority.

SSPX was formed under Pope John Paul II’s reign, and some Lebefevrists (sp?) still oppose everything that came into the church under Pope John Paul II’s watch, not for any rational reason, but because of the affiliation with Pope John Paul II.

The irony is that the Luminous Mysterys were not composed by Pope John Paul II, but by one of his predecessors—before SSPX broke away from Rome! I forget which Pope composed them. The Luminous Mysteries have been around for a LONG time, and all Pope John Paul II did is implement them!

Anyway, the rad-trads have gotten so insane that they reject the Luminous Mysteries only because they think John Paul II is responsible for them–and so therefore they immediately say the Mysteries of Light must be from Satan. If they’d only educate themselves on the matter, they’d see how loony they’ve become! It’s like … they think they’re more educated in Catholicism than the rest of us, but in reality, they are lacking solid catechesis in many, many ways! The Society is now teetering on the edge of not just schism, but heresy.

This is probably the group of rad-trads that the original poster was referring to.

Sorry for my rant. I really dislike the Lebefevrists. I consider them a bunch of disloyal cowardly turncoats who fled the Church in her time of need and then proceeded to attack her with the rest of the Protestants!
<<Anyway, the rad-trads have gotten so insane that they reject the Luminous Mysteries only because they think John Paul II is responsible for them–and so therefore they immediately say the Mysteries of Light must be from Satan. >>

Whatever could they be thinking!!!
The “Luminous Mysteries” come straight out of the Gospel! So, the radical traditionalists can’t be thinking very coherently.
I seldom pray the Luminous Mysteries as I don’t remember some of them (unless I have my prayer book with me).

I think everyone in one way or another have hit on the whys and wherefores regarding people not reciting the Glorious Mysteries.
  1. They represent a major change to a revered and hallowed practice. It is a fact that human beings not only dislike change, they resist it often to their utmost, for no other reason that it is change. People tend to be suspicious of anything that breaks with custom and so it is not surprising there would be allegations that they are from Satan.
  2. This whole line about breaking the continuity of the 150 psalms is just that, nonsense. Outside of the cloisters, how many Catholics (or Orthodox on the sly) use it for these purposes. Do you know how difficult it can be to even purchase such a rosary? I know, I’m a Secular Discalced Carmelite. I see this argument as a seemingly sound theological objection when the reality is, “I don’t want to learn something new” or “This seems weird”.
  3. Some people object to the final few mysteries as being related specifically to Mary. The Rosary is often viewed erroneously as a Marian devotion by those who do not pray it and I think those final mysteries hit a sore spot with those who have heard it attacked for years as elevating Mary.
That’s my take on it, for what it’s worth. 🙂
netmil(name removed by moderator):
Do the Traditionalists that you speak of discount the Papacy of JPII?
That might be why.

Sometimes in my life, I only say the Sorrowful Mysteries. Not to discount the others but because they say that my problems are not so bad.
The extreme Traditionalists that I have met are not sedevacantists(I cannot recall ever having actually met a sedevacantist in person), but some of them think that Pope John Paul II was one of the two worst Popes(!) that the Catholic Church has EVER had, Pope Paul VI being the other worst Pope.

Please note that I consider myself to be a “non-extreme” Traditionalist. I love the Tridentine Mass, but I am ashamed of Archbishop Lefebvre, the SSPX, and other such entities.

I think everyone in one way or another have hit on the whys and wherefores regarding people not reciting the Glorious Mysteries.
  1. They represent a major change to a revered and hallowed practice. It is a fact that human beings not only dislike change, they resist it often to their utmost, for no other reason that it is change. People tend to be suspicious of anything that breaks with custom and so it is not surprising there would be allegations that they are from Satan.
  2. This whole line about breaking the continuity of the 150 psalms is just that, nonsense. Outside of the cloisters, how many Catholics (or Orthodox on the sly) use it for these purposes. Do you know how difficult it can be to even purchase such a rosary? I know, I’m a Secular Discalced Carmelite. I see this argument as a seemingly sound theological objection when the reality is, “I don’t want to learn something new” or “This seems weird”.
  3. Some people object to the final few mysteries as being related specifically to Mary. The Rosary is often viewed erroneously as a Marian devotion by those who do not pray it and I think those final mysteries hit a sore spot with those who have heard it attacked for years as elevating Mary.
That’s my take on it, for what it’s worth. 🙂
Here is a place where you can purchase a 20-decade Rosary: I myself have purchased one of these beautiful Rosaries.

And as for people thinking that the 20 decades breaks the continuity of the Psalms, as I said in the first post of this thread:
But I think that long ago, the Rosary developed into a completely seperate devotion, that long ago lost most direct connections to the 150 Psalms.
If someone wants to pray the Psalms, then fine, but I think that the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary are also okay. I think that is a good idea to have a 20-decade Rosary, and at least sometimes pray all of the Mysteries in turn. I don’t care if saying all 20 decades “breaks the continuity of the Psalms”. When people pray the Rosary, they are not usually “praying the Psalms”, so I think that it’s fine to pray all 20 Mysteries!

And I think that in your first sentence, you meant to say Luminous, not Glorious.
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