"Traditionalists" vs. "Spirit of Vatican II"

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Let those who would speak of the spirit of VII read the Ottaviani Intervention. Because of it the Pope dealyed the implementation of of the Novus Ordo for two years. To deny this Cardinal and those who joined him in signing the document speaks volumes about those who finally implemented the Novus Ordo. I came to the Traditional Latin Mass some 3-4 years ago. Had I read this document,I believe I would never have accepted the Novus Ordo. I believe every Catholic who attends the Novus Ordo,… Please read the Ottaviani Intervention!
Why stop there? If we can all read for ourselves and reject the Normative Mass, why not go all the way back and just read and interpret the Bible for ourselves?
Please read the Holy Bible!
Wow !
In searching in an old missal for the “Novus Ordo” references being challenged/discussed, I just found something else rather interesting.

I’d either lost or seriously misplaced my old, pre-Vatican II Latin St. Joseph’s Daily Missal. During the changes, I had purchased what was the updated St. Joseph’s Missal (1966), and for the sake of this post, I was looking up “Novus Ordo” or “New Order” of the Mass - an expression I’m sure I’ve seen printed somewhere (but not found in this missal, so perhaps, it’s in Church missalettes).

However - here’s something interesting. While the Mass has Latin - in small, italicized at bottom of pages - (it used to be on left-hand side pages in the older missals), this Missal has nothing in Latin ***after the Offertory. Latin picks up again for the “Pater Noster” (Our Father). *** The Consecration is still printed with the words “for many” (versus “pro all”) - and yet - nothing in Latin for the Consecration. (???)

Just a curious find. Has anyone got this missal and noticed same?
You probably have a copy of the 1965 Missal that was promulgated by Pope Paul VI It was essentialy the Mass called for in the Constitution with some ot the Mass in Latin and some vernacular. It was translated into 205 languages. Many believed that the reform should have stopped with this missal. This Missal was used until the Novus Ordo was promulgated.

Why stop there? If we can all read for ourselves and reject the Normative Mass, why not go all the way back and just read and interpret the Bible for ourselves?
Please read the Holy Bible!
If I were that narrow minded I would do the same. Anyone who has done a reasonable amount of research into the documents of VII knows that hardly anything of what we have was intended by the documents or many of the council fathers. Lies and deception prevailed. I don’t think that is the case in the Bible!!!
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