Transitional Fossils and the Theory of Evolution in relation to Genesis Accounts

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Yes, the only front loading involved is the ability of DNA to mutate! That’s all it needed!
If buffalo wants to call it front loading in the DNA initially, that’s fine with me but life has spread and changed and adapted all because our DNA is changeable, adaptable and mutatable. As we learn more about how even one single protein can influence the behavior of a system and that these novel proteins appear and cause more complexity…it just boggles!
We are getting closer. 😀

The ability to change and cell directed mutations allow a limited amount of adaptation. That is the beauty of the design.
However, I do have observational evidence.
Static evidence is insufficient. A dynamic claim requires dynamic evidence.

Further, the claim that evolution is non-directed also needs evidence. The theory claims that the only dynamic process driving natural selection is the environment. Science demonstrates that there have been at least five ice ages in the last million years. As the earth changes from hot-house to ice-house and vice-versa, we would expect natural selection to devolve living creatures to previous ones. A cyclic environment does not explain the evolution of bacteria to man.
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Static evidence is insufficient.
And your support for this statement is? Where is your evidence? Where is your dynamic evidence in support of what you are saying? You need dynamic evidence of course because static evidence is insufficient.
Since the fall genetic entropy is leading to the brittleness of organisms and their eventual extinction.
Between all the life that has previously existed and all the various life that currently exists, I find this statement absurd.

Except for humans that can use their brains to adapt to a wide variety of circumstances, most animals are very dependent upon their environment. It isn’t just temperature, it’s food sources, amount of daylight, sexual selection, altitude, latitude, longitude, water scarcity or abundance…

We see evidence of some species thriving for thousands of years because they can adapt to a wide range and we see species that have come and gone in relatively short periods of time and we see species that have mutated over and over to become what they are now. They aren’t brittle by any means. They are thriving quite nicely.
We looked at the sky. Stars are forming around us every single day in nebulae like the Orion Nebula. This is firmly established astronomy. The fact that you dismiss it so flippantly betrays your true attitude towards science. Point to the part of my explanation that breaks down. Where is the step that’s impossible without God?
Sorry about the confusion - I think we both agree that God supplied the raw materials, forces and natural laws that are necessary for stars to form.

“God said 'Let there be light”, and there was light" (Genesis 1).
No, they are not. They are just used by you to deny evolution. You have no evidence. Literally zero. Versus the gargantuan amount that supports the evolutionary process
Considering that your are an atheist and therefore your psychological need to believe Darwinism, your reaction is understandable.

Why was S.J. Gould puzzled and frustrated by the Cambrian explosion?

Why did Richard Dawkins comment that the Cambrian biota appear suddenly, fully-formed and without any evolutionary history?

Why does one of the world’s most esteemed paleontologists - Gunter Bechly - say it is “absurd” for Darwinists to deny the Cambrian explosion is a problem for their theory? (Bechly has discovered more than 170 new species and has 11 biological groups named after him.)
No, they are not. They are just used by you to deny evolution. You have no evidence. Literally zero. Versus the gargantuan amount that supports the evolutionary process
Considering that…
We’re still waiting for you to produce the evidence you don’t seem to have. A whole load of nothing whatsoever apparently. An empty box. All we get is ‘Cambrian Explosion!’ Nothing but negativity. Nothing positive. Nothing that we can examine. Nothing to investigate. Nothing to discuss. Nothing you need to back up. Nothing to consider. Nothing to which you can be held to account. Nothing at all…
Sorry about the confusion - I think we both agree that God supplied the raw materials, forces and natural laws that are necessary for stars to form.
If by this you mean that God started the universe rolling and didn’t provide (name removed by moderator)ut for a while, I agree. God doesn’t start starbirth, but the reasons it occurs are due to the design of creation.
No, they are not. They are just used by you to deny evolution.
I don’t deny evolution - I accept that the fossil record reveals a sequence of events that could be loosely called “evolution”.
You have no evidence. Literally zero.
No evidence of gaps in the fossil record? Surely you jest?
Versus the gargantuan amount that supports the evolutionary process
No one can ever know what “evolutionary process” was responsible for the fossil record, and frankly, all those Darwinist explanations that can’t be tested put me to sleep. Theories that can’t be tested don’t even qualify as science … zzzzzzzzzz …
Lenski’s experiment has shown degradation
Lenski’s E. coli evolved into … wait for it … more E. coli. This is powerful evidence that man evolved from a bug via a natural process of mutations and natural selection - aka, science at its best!
We’re still waiting for you to produce the evidence you don’t seem to have. A whole load of nothing whatsoever apparently. An empty box. All we get is ‘Cambrian Explosion!’ Nothing but negativity. Nothing positive. Nothing that we can examine. Nothing to investigate. Nothing to discuss. Nothing you need to back up. Nothing to consider. Nothing to which you can be held to account. Nothing at all…
More than 40 BST* Edicaran- Cambrian deposits have been discovered and NOT ONE OF THEM reveals the evidence of pre-Cambrian evolutionary antecedents that Darwinist theory predicts. There is almost nothing to support evolution. Please explain.

(* BSTdeposits are known for their ability to fossilize soft-bodied organisms.)
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Simple logic. If I claim that Clark Kent is Superman then a movie of Clark in the phone booth would do nicely.
So, you fail to provide definitions of “static evidence” and “dynamic evidence”. Looks like I need “simple logic” and mind reading powers to find the support for your statements. Colour me unconvinced.
Sorry about the confusion - I think we both agree that God supplied the raw materials, forces and natural laws that are necessary for stars to form.

“God said 'Let there be light”, and there was light" (Genesis 1).
A similar approach can be applied to living organisms. God did nor say “Let there be fish,” He said, “Let the waters bring forth…”

Abiogenesis and evolution can be seen as describing that bringing forth in more detail.
No, they are not. They are just used by you to deny evolution.
I don’t deny evolution…
It might be prudent to check your position on various aspects of this debate. Scattergun responses and non sequitors tend to muddy the waters somewhat. So why don’t we go back the last couple of hundred posts and see, in no particular order, what your position could be.

First you deny that God could use evolution. Then you accept that He could.

Then you deny nuclear fussion is a natural process. Then you accept that it is.

Then you deny that you any idea on how life has progressed. Then you say we should theologically accept the Genesis account. But then you deny that you suggested that evolution does not conflict with Christianity.

Then you say it’s unknowable and then you say that it was supernatural.

Then you say that evolution is not the answer and then you deny that you said that God ‘didn’t use evolution’. Then you say that you don’t deny evolution.

Then you declare it’s creationism and not evolution. And then you state that ‘Darwinism’ is the best scientific evidence there is but then go on to say that ‘Darwinism’ conflicts with the evidence.

Then you say that the dna from a single celled creature could be used to ‘create all life on earth’ and then say that you have no idea how it could be done.

Then you say that you don’t reject evolution and the fossil record appears to support it then you say no-one can know what that process was.

That about sums it up really. I’m not sure what your position actually is. And more to the point, it’s pretty obvious from just the last 200 or so posts that you don’t know what it is either.

Thanks for playing…
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Simple logic. If I claim that Clark Kent is Superman then a movie of Clark in the phone booth would do nicely.
So, you fail to provide definitions of “static evidence” and “dynamic evidence”. Looks like I need “simple logic” and mind reading powers to find the support for your statements. Colour me unconvinced.
Unconvinced? No, rather we color you incorrigible on evolution and understandably so. You and the other atheists have a worldview that is wed to the theory and so exhibit confirmation bias for all things that seem to affirm and peripheral blindness for all things that oppose. Others, i.e., Catholics, who do not rely on the truth of evolution theory to support their worldview do not suffer your bias and are more objective in analyzing the theory for its validity.

The cyclical environment is just another stumbling block to evolution theory that you simply dismiss rather than address.
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