Transubstantiation and duration of effect

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Wasn’t joking… I was wondering- if there are hosts consecrated from an earlier mass, can they be shared with parishioners, or must the host be consecrated in front of the congregation?
The Tabernacle in your Parish almost always contains reserved Consecrated Hosts. This is what is carried to the sick, the shut ins, prisoners, etc.
When there is a larger crowd than expected, or, in order to keep the Consecrated Hosts from going stale, AFTER Consecration at your parish you may notice a minister retrieve Hosts from the Tabernacle. This is only to be done in extreme circumstances, in general priests are to consecrate only enough extras to supply the needs of the shut ins, dying, etc over the next few days.

If you mean an entire liturgy where only pre-Consecrated Hosts are used, that happens every year at your parish on Good Friday. The Liturgy is called “The Mass of the Pre-Sanctified”.
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So - here’s what I’m wondering (stay with me here…).

Could there be a construct where the priest consciously consecrated hosts at one mass that would be sufficient for a following mass, which could then be shorter to appeal to people who otherwise might not attend mass at all. Have a service with a highly charismatic deacon and lively music to appeal to folks who aren’t otherwise going to church or are, perhaps, attending only on Christmas. A way to bring people far from God to be reunited with Christ.
There is such a thing as a Communion Service, where there’s Liturgy of the Word and Communion is distributed from the tabernacle without consecration. This isn’t Mass (as Mass requires consecration), and these are typically only intended for Sundays where a priest is not available.

So, short answer, NO.
What you describe would not be a Mass. It would be what is called a “Word and Communion Service”. These are only permitted on Sunday when, let’s say a priest falls ill and cannot say Mass or you live in a remote area where a priest may not come for many Sundays.

No need for a
highly charismatic deacon
a Word and Communion Service may be done by any lay person.

As far as music styles, a Pastor determines the style of music that will take place during Mass.

Do you have some statistics or studies that say people are staying away from Mass because of music?
No, the key part of theass is the consecration. It would not be mass.
When priests are not available, in certain circumstances, a communion service is done where the Liturgy of the Word is followed by communion of pre-consecrated hosts. But not just to make “mass” more appealing . And it would be less appealing for 99.9% of Catholics (I hope).
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Anecdotally, I have absolutely heard from people who don’t attend Mass because the sermon from the Priest/Deacon lacks conviction and the music is uninspired… I’m not suggesting that we would remove the existing Mass for those who prefer it. Rather, can an additional Mass / Service be made available for those who might otherwise avoid church? Akin to a life-teen or a contemporary mass to reach those who are missing out on the fullness of God’ Word.
If you wish to bring in LifeTeen, then, speak to your pastor. It takes a tremendous amount of effort from volunteers to work. If you feel this is your calling, talk to the pastor and the Youth Ministry office.

If parish already has LifeTeen or a rock-band Mass, why would they need to add another?
Rather, can an additional Mass / Service be made available for those who might otherwise avoid church?
There can be as many Masses as your parish and clergy can reasonably handle, and I think that would be wonderful, to offer a variety of “styles” for people. What you were suggesting, though, was to have something other than Mass, which is not acceptable in most cases.
Others have already answered the question, but I’ll just post the relevant passage from the Catechism of the Catholic Church:
CCC 1377 The Eucharistic presence of Christ begins at the moment of the consecration and endures as long as the Eucharistic species subsist. Christ is present whole and entire in each of the species and whole and entire in each of their parts, in such a way that the breaking of the bread does not divide Christ. [Cf. Council of Trent: DS 1641]
In other words, as long as it still maintains the appearance of bread, it’s still Jesus. If it completely disintegrates—such as when it is digested, or if it decomposed in the earth—then the Real Presence is no longer there.
@(name removed by moderator) Personally, I like mass just the way it is. But, some folks might prefer different sermons, music, and less time spent on the concentration if it were possible to use consecrated hosts from a prior mass. I would love to see to all people on this planet be fed by Him, even if that means they wouldn’t participate or witness the prayers that consecrated host themselves.
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The Liturgy of the Eucharist (excluding the time when people come forward to receive, which, I believe you want to happen in your non-Mass) lasts 5 or 6 minutes. Are people REALLY saying “I’d go to a Word and Communion Service, but that extra 5 minutes for Consecration is a deal breaker!”
If bread and wine being transformed into the Body Blood Soul and Divinity of our Lord isn’t enough to get someone to Mass, or worse causes them to want that taken AWAY and have a watered down service instead, that person does not believe in the truth of the Real Presence and its going to take a lot more than music and charisma to bring them around. Coming from evangelical protestantism I’m sorry, they have the market cornered on snazzy bands and fiery preachers. The Church can’t match that on its terms, but she shouldn’t have to. The Holy Sacrifice is enough. It’s everything. The only thing.
I prefer TLM, but by golly I’ll sit through the most tawdry music and liberal preaching if it means I can be present for that sacrifice of the Mass. Even if I can’t receive, just being there!
I’ll pray for those who don’t know this joy, especially those who were raised with it right in front of them but never took it to heart or didn’t have proper instruction.
Don’t take this as condescension, I’m not better. Im a convert so this is very hard for me to grasp.
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I prefer TLM, but by golly I’ll sit through the most tawdry music and liberal preaching if it means I can be present for that sacrifice of the Mass. Even if I can’t receive, just being there!
I wholeheartedly second that!
The padre just finished consecrating the host, a mouse jumps on the altar and escpes with it? At this point one either gets the rectory cat to go after the mouse and bring it back live, or burns the church down after asking the bishop for permission and places the ashes in 7 large urns. A question remains: what did the mouse eat???
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