Glad things worked out for you.
(I am guessing that your recharging flashlights hadn’t been plugged in long enough to store a full charge. Give them the full charge time. I promise they’ll do better!)
The tricks to a cold shower:
- It’s easier if you’re trying it in hot weather. Tell yourself, “I’m at a swimming pool / at the beach, and this feels wonderful!” (If you’re showering when the air is already cold, visualize harder!)
- Stand outside the shower’s blast. Dip in the appropriate limb one at a time. Shower, rinse, step out.
- Do the next limb.
- Stick head in, using the bend-forward method. Wash, rinse.
- Only now do you step into the full blast. You’ve acclimated yourself (just barely). So now you can endure the few seconds necessary to get a full-body rinse, hair and all.
- If possible, have your towels pre-warmed.
You are now clean.
As for heating your water, I’m surprised the propane dealers aren’t standing in line soliciting at your door.
Another option is a gasoline powered generator: portable, requires personal attention, must never operate indoors, might require shelter for itself separately. Besides the fumes, your other big risk is an inability to acquire gasoline.
Another option is a whole-house generator. Fixed in place. Professional installation. Hooks into your natural gas line. Has a limited lid/cover. Still might want to build a little shelter (roof, not sealed sides). Risk: ruptured natural gas line or source shortage.
Solar’s the most breakable, and highly dependent upon weather. Works great under absolutely ideal conditions.
BTW, the fact that you could take a cold shower but didn’t suggests that you have municipal water.
BTW-btw, it’s the anniversary of the
Northeast Blackout of 2003! Still have
a ways to go.