I think you have a rather limited understanding of what it means to pray. Just because someone doesn’t understand all the declensions of a particular Latin verb or noun or the syntax of the language doesn’t mean he can’t understand the basic concepts being offered in the prayer.
No I do not. What matters is do we understand what we are saying when we pray.
Otherwise all it is is gibberish.
This thread is a perfect example of what I am saying.
It seems you, and others, can not understand what I am saying yet we are speaking the same language.
There is many a child that lisps the Our Father in English and doesn’t understand quite what he’s praying, but I doubt Our Heavenly Father is counting lisping English or poor Latin against His children when they pray.
This is true, but the Child does understand English and knows what a Father is. If he was praying in a language he didn’t know, such as Latin, he would not know which word was Father or which was Heaven. He would know know what he was praying.
To a limited extent I can understand using some Latin in the Liturgy, but I do not see any good in the whole Liturgy in Latin. If the people do not know the language then the Liturgy should not be done in only that language.
Again, that is my opinion and I am free to have it.
I am sorry if you have issues with that but I think the best thing that has happened is the Liturgy in the vernacular, like we in the Byzantine Churches have always had.
As for the disrespect shown to the Church and its bishops by some around here, I just look at the source and I understand where its really coming from.