My wife and I have become very discouraged with the “modernization” of the Mass, especially here in Los Angeles. We have been interested in attending the traditional Latin Mass, and have done so twice. Each time was at a different church.
We noticed in both cases, that more than 3/4 of the Mass is spoken by the priest and the alter servers so softly, that we cannot hear a word they are saying, and have difficulty following along in our missals. In both of our experiences attending the traditional Mass so far, the priest was actually 4 pages into the liturgy before we knew he had even begun! We find it actually “distracting” because we were always trying to “catch up” and figure out where the priest is…
Neither were “dialogue” Masses, so I understand that we as the congregation weren’t supposed to be responding throughout the Mass, and we are fine with that-- but we would at least like to hear the dialogue between the priest and the servers at full voice so we can follow along…
Is this the common protocol for the Tridentine Mass? Is it supposed to be said that softly, even though no one can hear what’s being said for most of the Mass? Is the congregation supposed to just read along on their own and hope that they stay in sync with the pace of the priest?
We love the Tridentine Mass, other than this aspect…
Thank you!