"Trouble Lies Ahead . . . In Demographics And In Doctrine"

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Well I started reading the article as I was interested in the demographics and quickly realized this is a heavily Rightist biased source so I move on.
I get what he is saying, most of it is “spot on”. One can always sound alarmist talking of these changes but he’s absolutely correct in that traditional Catholic teaching should be enforced more.
America is not the Catholic Church, and the Catholic Church is not American.

Clearly the author of this screed has not been to Africa. Many priests in my part of America (the Canadian part), come from Africa where the Church is alive and well.

North America is now mission territory. Our African priests are now reverse missionaries, hopefully ripping us away from the clutches of the hedonism so well illustrated by your president.
I had a very good spiritual director from Nigeria.

He helped me through a dark portion of my life when I was tempted to go back to atheism but thanks to him, I emerged from it with an even stronger faith.
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Point of curiosity, since one person’s ‘left’ is another person’s ‘Centre’ and one person’s ‘right’ is another person’s ‘extreme’ —what exactly would you consider to be impartial, unbiased, and for lack of a better word ‘moderate’ sources?

I know that for example I look on the National Catholic Register to be an impartial source, but I have heard people complain that certain staff were ‘rightist’ and others ‘left’.
NCR has been tending more rightist recently.

I trust the Vatican news service and the Associated Press
The Associated Press? Now you see, I find they are definitely leaning ‘left’, as is the case with much of the mainstream media. How do you find the National Catholic Reporter?
You had me until the last jab, as though Justin Trudeau is some pinnacle of decency. If you want to make a cogent point, avoid offending half the readers.
They are definitely left. I don’t read heavily slanted Catholic news sources.
I do believe that some Catholic sources are simply worthless or worse harmful like Churchmillitant, LifeSiteNews, Remnant, One Peter five.
The difficulty with anything, Associated Press or Breitbart or points between, is that you cannot rely on them to accurately present their own biases or anyone else’s.

Yet since all have implicit biases (and that includes the Vatican News Service as well), how then do we determine what we will accept as an impartial service?

Or does it appear impartial — or ‘rightward’ or ‘leftward’ depending on our personal judgment alone?

If it does not depend on our personal judgment, then there must be an articulated standard which is ‘above’ all standards and to which all other standards are ‘ to right’, ‘to left’, or ‘in center’.

So what and where then is the standard? How are we judging that this site X is ‘left’ and that site Y is ‘right’?

IOW, why do we accept Stpurl or Feanor or anybody else as seeing a site or a statement or a concept as being ‘left’ or ‘right’, especially when they disagree?

See why it is so difficult to carry on a conversation? Half the people here are ready to throw out any source they personally feel is too far away in a direction they don’t like but in actuality it is all based on individual perception. There is no website or source out there that self-interprets, so to speak. What we see or hear said in any given place is not written or spoken in a vacuum but is interpreted by us according to our biases, which again we all have.
Our African priests are now reverse missionaries, hopefully ripping us away from the clutches of the hedonism so well illustrated by your president.
Sorry, but Donald Trump is not responsible for the following statistics regarding US Catholics:

70% of US Catholics either don’t believe or don’t accept the Church’s teaching on the Real Presence. Approximately 46% of US Catholics support so-called same sex marriage. Approximately 48% of US Catholics think abortion should be legal in all or most cases.

The average US Catholic is horribly catechized. Donald Trump is not Catholic, nor does he claim to be. The most prominent Catholic politicians in the US are Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden, both of whom talk about how important Catholicism is to them, but are politically hostile to what the Church teaches. They both support abortion rights without restriction, and one of them actually performed a same sex marriage. I’m not putting forth Pelosi and Biden are to blame (although they certainly don’t help the situation.) The Catholic Church’s issues in the US have zero to do with Donald Trump, and putting forth such a canard does not advance the conversation in any positive way.
Sorry, but Donald Trump is not responsible for the following statistics regarding US Catholics:
As I said, America is not the Catholic Church, and the Catholic Church is not American.

You might also want to go back and read what I wrote a little more attentively. I did not “blame” Trump. What I said was: “hopefully ripping us away from the clutches of the hedonism so well illustrated by your president.” He is merely a reflection of the decline in Western values. Alas, not only the US, but also Canada, Europe and most Western democracies.
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Sorry, but Donald Trump is not responsible for the following statistics regarding US Catholics:
As I said, America is not the Catholic Church, and the Catholic Church is not American.

You might also want to go back and read what I wrote a little more attentively. I did not “blame” Trump. What I said was: “hopefully ripping us away from the clutches of the hedonism so well illustrated by your president.” He is merely a reflection of the decline in Western values. Alas, not only the US, but also Canada, Europe and most Western democracies.
Seems to me the better reflection of the decline of Western values is when a prominent Catholic politician on one hand talks publicly about how important their Catholic faith is, then on the other hand is promising an expansion of abortion rights legislation and funding, promising to attack the religious liberty of nuns, and supporting a number of other things contradictory to the very things Catholicism teaches.
It’s really 6 of one, half-dozen of the other. Neither contender comes close to reflecting Catholic values.
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It’s really 6 of one, half-dozen of the other. Neither contender comes close to reflecting Catholic values.
Sorry to disagree again…but…on one side we have someone with no particular religion, and on the other we have people who publicly identify as Catholics. Call me crazy, but shouldn’t we expect someone who publicly identifies as Catholic to reflect Catholic values? The person with no particular religion does more to defend the unborn than the Catholics.
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