Troubled by USCCB donating money to pro choice groups

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This bothers me a lot. There are so many other ways to donate that would be genuinely helpful without… this. I already quit donating to Peter’s Pence when money was found to be misused. Maybe time to do the same for the USCCB. I can donate directly to a pro-life ministry myself… Thanks for sharing!
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To be clear, the controversy almost exclusively revolves around the CCHD (Catholic Campaign for Human Development). It wouldn’t be accurate to lump the entire USCCB and all their charitable causes into the same box.

Mostly, it involves the CCHD giving money to 3rd party organizations that do work for the poor and also have some sort of connection to other questionable groups. Sometimes it is hard to pin down exactly what and how strong those connections are.

If anyone is bothered by it, then just don’t give to the CCHD collection. It’s generally taken up in parishes on the Sunday before Thanksgiving (this coming Sunday), but some dioceses may move it to an alternate weekend.
Not only that, but it bothers me a lot to see my collection plate money going to organizations that support illegal immigration.

I respect individual Catholics who support illegal immigration, but I’m not okay with my collection plate dollars going for it.
If anyone is bothered by it, then just don’t give to the CCHD collection. It’s generally taken up in parishes on the Sunday before Thanksgiving (this coming Sunday), but some dioceses may move it to an alternate weekend.
I don’t intend to.


The view of a conservative Catholic on the subject:

opinion piece
As a Catholic who believes in strict immigration enforcement, I have argued repeatedly that it is one thing to show compassion to legal immigrants, legitimate refugees and asylees, and those abused and mistreated by smugglers. It’s quite another to conspire against an orderly immigration and entrance system that imposes commonsense limits, eligibility requirements, criminal background checks, medical screening and a commitment to assimilation.
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I trust the Bishops to make these decisions.
Are you saying that you are comfortable donating to pro choice groups as long as your money passes through a bishop as intermediary first?

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I trust the Bishops to make these decisions.
Are you saying that you are comfortable donating to pro choice groups as long as your money passes through a bishop as intermediary first?

I don’t worry about these things as I leave it up to those in authority
I don’t worry about these things as I leave it up to those in authority
Do you believe that living a truly Catholic life involves being complicit in funding abortion as long as a member of the hierarchy supports it? Is that a position that sounds accurate to you? It sounds pharasaical to me, because it is saying that by following your obligation to tithe there is no way you could be doing the wrong thing as long as you obey the letter of the law.

However the spirit of the law, in this case, includes murdering children. And to be clear, a bishop conference is not an actual structure of the hierarchy.

ADDITIONALLY this is not in the spirit of Vatican II, which encouraged the laity to take a more active role in Church leadership.
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It’s not really a question of "trust the bishop’. bishops can be gulled just as easily as any other person, so I’m not saying that a bad decision would be deliberate. But just as bishops are not doctors or lawyers, they are not financial experts either, and the ‘expert’ hired by the diocese could turn out to be a real swindler. Heaven knows there have been examples through the years where somebody who was supposed to handle finances for the diocese mishandled them dreadfully, sometimes deliberately and sometimes not. So while I would be very appreciative of my bishop as bishop, I would not necessarily just sit back and say, “Oh he’s the BISHOP so everything will be done perfectly, I can trust that he’ll have perfect people handling all this stuff.”
So while I would be very appreciative of my bishop as bishop, I would not necessarily just sit back and say, “Oh he’s the BISHOP so everything will be done perfectly, I can trust that he’ll have perfect people handling all this stuff.”
I don’t think that as Catholics we are ever called to follow the hierarchy into sin or error. Ever. Church history is littered with unfaithful bishops, erring popes, and persecuted saints. Think of Athanasius and his rebellion. Think of popes like Liberius, Honorius, or John XXII. It is absolutely ridiculous to champion obedience when mortal sin is in play. Catholic obedience simply does not, nor has it ever, meant that submission is an excuse for evil.
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    November 22
(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.) Feanor2:
I trust the Bishops to make these decisions.
Are you saying that you are comfortable donating to pro choice groups as long as your money passes through a bishop as intermediary first?

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    November 22
I trust the Bishops to make these decisions.

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