True Devotion to Mary - Confused?

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Hesychios, I am talking about imitating Christ because I am a Christian. Since I am trying to follow Christ I must imitate Him. St. Montfort imitated Him well. By humbling himself and approaching Jesus through Mary.

You know that from scripture as the angel said that Mary is full of grace and Cadinal Luigi Ciappi has explained what Mary does, “How true it is when we give all our merits to Mary, she multiplies them by her incalculable merits. This puts into motion positive spiritual forces to repair the damage due to sin and significantly change the course of history, if enough make this commitment.”
Look at pg. 31 of the Apostolate for Family Consecrations’ ( booklet called “A Message of Hope”.

"Why Thru Mary?

1)She’s Full of Grace & Her Soul Magnifies the Lord.
(Quote from Cardinal Ciappi from above)
  1. She is the New Ark of the Covenant- Rev. 12 (As you told me also Hesychios)
  • What did the Ark of the Covenant contain?
  • Israelites were successful in battle only with the Ark!"
I hope that this makes sense to you Hesychios.
You know that from scripture as the angel said that Mary is full of grace
and Cadinal Luigi Ciappi has explained what Mary does, "How true it is when we give all our merits to Mary, she multiplies them by her incalculable merits.
This is odd stuff, too transactional for me, I am not counting on Mary to multiply anything by her merits. I just ask her to pray for me.

The way he talks she is reduced to a Holy slot machine, what’s the payoff 10:1? I don’t know who Cardinal Luigi Ciappi is, but I don’t agree with him.
This puts into motion positive spiritual forces to repair the damage due to sin and significantly change the course of history, if enough make this commitment."
Ditto here, how does he know this?

Mary is the Mother of Jesus Christ, I sing her praises every Divine Liturgy. I ask her to pray for me.

What is so complicated about that?

This theology being proferred here sounds abusive to me. Even scandalous, I’ll have no part of it.

I’ll make my simple prayers, ask Mary to pray for me now and when I die. I will also ask her to overlook these indiscetions on our parts and I will try to forget I ever heard of this stuff.

Begging forgiveness from those I may have offended here, I can see I have been posting in the wrong place. Henceforth I will not pay any attention to threads devoted to this topic, I will never understand this and I might just as well admit it.

I ask for your prayers as I will remember you all in mine.
I am sorry for not giving you the information you neede to understand Cardinal Ciappi’s quote, but I do hope that you at least see how at the wedding of Cana Mary asked Jesus to help out and so he changed the water into wine. In the same way he will always listen to her and she is most pleasing to God due to her sinlessness. What mother who loves her child today would not just totally give of herself to show her love for that child? Why wouldn’t Mary who is so full of grace not give of what she has to help us her children (remember Jesus gave His mother to us when he gave her to St. John just before His death) if we ask of her help?

I really hope you don’t ignore these threads on the consecration to Jesus, that’s to Jesus through Mary, because maybe my answers do confuse you but someone elses won’t. I am only an amateur at trying to explain these things but others her are more advanced. Thank you for listening to my feeble attempt at trying to show you a very beautiful way of life.
The Holy Trinity is a family. Three in one is a great mystery but even St. Augustine, a Doctor of the our Church, was trying to understand the mystery of the Holy Trinity. Our Lord, I believe appeared as a child to him on the beach, who was taking water out of the sea with a sea shell and pouring it into a hole in the sand. St. Augustine wondered why the child was doing this and asked. The child said that he was doing this to put the entire ocean in the hole. St. Augustine said that this was impossible. The child said that he would finish this task before he could understand the mystery of the Holy Trinity. It is a true story.

The book True Devotion to Mary is an excellent book no matter who tells you otherwise, because to live this way is to live as close to Christ as one can get.
Yes, this is true. But, I believe the child was an angel of the Lord, sent to keep Saint Augustine from " going over the edge " mentally. The finite mind can not totally understand that which is Infinite, thus… it remains a mystery…known only to God ( and those whom He chooses to reveal it … if at all ) God was merely letting Saint Augustine know that he wasn’t going to completely understand it…in this world anyway.
I didn’t mention the language, but since you brought it up it is pretty horrid.

Muslims are slaves to God. We have a kind, loving father in God.

God is Love.

They are totally different ways of looking at the relationship.

By the way, the Imitation of Christ is a masterpiece, there is no comparison between the two books.
It’s pretty horrid to the modern man, but not to the people who identified with that type of language at that time and in that culture. That was my original point.

I once recommended the reading of “The Imitation of Christ” to a student and when a priest found out, scolded me for suggesting its reading. His reason? Outdated type of language repulsive to the modern reader. My reply to the priest? "Well, Father, perhaps the young man should not read the bible since it is very old and by modern standards contains some “archaic” language! Father wasn’t pleased!

Antonio :o
**We cannot overlook one in favor of the other, because Father Son and Holy Spirit is One. In fact the Holy Spirit is the personified Love of the Father and the Son for each other. Any other SEPARATE theology is heresy. You go to one of them in any form, and you go to all three at the same time. **

**Regarding subjecting ourselves under the authority of Mary’s divine motherhood, **

**The term slave indeed is a good term, because it defines the total abandonment and absolute subjection of the self under her authority. This type of obedience is alien, because obedience is an alien concept in our culture. It is not outmoded, it is simply non existent. Even some of the most devout Catholic will cling to his/her autonomy and will be unwilling to subject himself under Mary’s absolute control. Remember, it is not just for the now, it is for all eternity. So it cannot be taken lightly, because this whole concept is in violation to man’s innate desire to be free and to have absolute control over his little domain. The reasons people tend to be turned off when they first learn about True Devotion is explained by Monfort in detail. This is a hard fought devotion, the soul has to fight itself to attain it, because the outcome is certain and so the treasure buried in this devotion cannot just go to anybody. When I first was introduced to it, I instantly rebelled against it; I called it lunacy and an insane concept. It would not leave me alone and it took me close to 10 years to finally submit to it. So I certainly sympathize with the first poster, his confusion is atypical but if this devotion is meant for him, it will mature into a joyous arrangement in due time. **
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