Trump Admin Sues University of Vermont Hospital That Forced Nurse to Kill Baby In Abortion

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“Worse, her superiors deliberately misled her into thinking she was assisting in a procedure > following a miscarriage. But once trapped inside the OR she discovered that it was, in fact, an elective abortion and that this had been known all along by her superiors who then callously refused to relieve her. To say that she was emotionally traumatized by this event is putting it mildly,” he continued.
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Previously , HHS has referred the University of Vermont Medical Center (UVMMC) to the Department of Justice (DOJ) for enforcement after a thorough investigation of UVMMC’s violation of the conscience protection laws. OCR concluded that UVMMC unlawfully forced a nurse to assist in an elective abortion procedure over the nurse’s conscience-based objections and has refused to change its policies to prevent future coercion. As a result of the referral, DOJ is suing UVMMC on HHS’s behalf.

“Under President Trump, HHS has worked like never before to enforce laws Congress has passed to protect Americans’ religious freedom and conscience rights,” said HHS Secretary Alex Azar. “The University of Vermont Medical Center violated federal conscience laws and refused to work with us to take corrective action, so we are now taking action to hold them to account.”
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This is a good thing. Nothing is worse than the abortion industry, capable of anything.
She was a conscientious objector and had signed a form at the hospital when they knowingly brought her in for an abortion.

One supervisor, “I hope you will not hate me for this.”

I am glad they passed this law protecting Americans’ religious freedoms and are going after this hospital staff.
Why didn’t she walk out when she realized what was happening?
Probably because at that point, she couldn’t as it would be considered as abandonment of her patient. She was placed in a position of compromising her values whether she stayed or left.

I’m glad the hospital will be held accountable. This should never have happened and her beliefs should be every bit as respected as the doctors, the hospital and the patients. Just as no woman should ever be forced to abort, legal or not, nor should anyone be forced to participate. I have a feeling even most pro choice advocates would also feel this way.
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Probably because at that point, she couldn’t as it would be considered as abandonment of her patient. She was placed in a position of compromising her values whether she stayed or left.

I’m glad the hospital will be held accountable. This should never have happened and her beliefs should be every bit as respected as the doctors, the hospital and the patients. Just as no woman should ever be forced to abort, legal or not, nor should anyone be forced to participate. I have a feeling even most pro choice advocates would also feel this way.
What bothers me is there was no guessing. They knew how she felt.
What bothers me is there was no guessing. They knew how she felt.
Which is why I hope they learn a real lesson from this!
I do not believe they will. That is why they have lawsuits and I am just glad at this time in history that we have laws to protect people like this.
LifeSite news is just not a reputable source IMO. Parts of the story sound “made up” .

The “once trapped in the ER” comment is suspect.
LifeSite news is just not a reputable source IMO. Parts of the story sound “made up” .

The “once trapped in the ER” comment is suspect.
She had signed a form for conscience rights. Her supervisors knew exactly what they were doing.
I also heard an interview.
This is an old fight. This article from 2011 talked about it but the battle still goes on.
Twelve pro-life nurses who were forced to carry out abortions by a hospital had their civil rights violated, they have claimed.

The nurses at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey said the hospital entirely disregarded their moral and religious convictions.

They filed a lawsuit against the hospital after it implemented a policy making them undergo training for assisting abortions in September.
Laws are old laws and hospitals receive federal funds so I am glad they have lawsuits.
  • The 1974 Church Amendment states: ‘No entity which receives a grant, contract, loan or loan guarantee under the Public Health Service Act … may discriminate in the employment, promotion or termination of employment of any health care personnel … because he refused to perform or assist in the performance of … abortion on the grounds … the abortion would be contrary to his religious beliefs or moral convictions.’
  • The 2005 Hyde-Weldon law bars ‘funds appropriated under the entire Health and Human Services Appropriations Act to any federal agency or program or to a state or local government if they engage in discrimination by violating conscience rights’.
  • New Jersey law states: ‘The refusal to perform, assist in the performance of, or provide abortion … shall not constitute grounds for civil or criminal liability, disciplinary action or discriminatory treatment.’
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LifeSite news is just not a reputable source IMO. Parts of the story sound “made up” .

The “once trapped in the ER” comment is suspect.
Can you show us where this is a article? I don’t see that anywhere.

Though, Life Site is plenty credible to me.
This is a huge point. Leftists go beyond just forcing the acceptance of abortion. They insist on participation. Just like forcing bakeries and pizza parlor workers to participate with the same-sex “marriage” thing.

President Trump is the rare man who has the courage to openly and unapologetically fight against the nonsense. And that’s why many leftists appear to hate him.
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