Trump allies, largely unconstrained by Facebook’s rules against repeated falsehoods, cement pre-election dominance

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From a pro-Trump super PAC to the president’s eldest son, conservatives have blown past Facebook’s fact-checking guardrails, with few consequences.​

In the final months of the presidential campaign, prominent associates of President Trump and conservative groups with vast online followings have flirted with, and frequently crossed, the boundaries set forth by Facebook about the repeated sharing of misinformation.

From a pro-Trump super PAC to the president’s eldest son, however, these users have received few penalties, according to an examination of several months of posts and ad spending, as well as internal company documents. In certain cases, their accounts have been protected against more severe enforcement because of concern about the perception of anti-conservative bias, said current and former Facebook employees, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the matter’s sensitivity.

These people said the preferential treatment has undercut Facebook’s own efforts to curb misinformation, in particular the technologies put in place to downgrade problematic actors. Toward the end of last year, around the time Facebook-owned Instagram was rolling out labels obscuring fact-challenged posts and directing users to accurate information, the company removed a strike against Donald Trump Jr. for a fact-check on the photo-sharing service that would have made him a so-called repeat offender, fearing the backlash that would have ensued from the accompanying penalties, according to two former employees familiar with the matter.

These penalties can be severe, including reduced traffic and possible demotion in search. One former employee said it was among numerous strikes removed over the past year for the president’s family members.

A spokesman for Donald Trump Jr. did not respond to multiple emails seeking comment. Facebook spokeswoman Andrea Vallone did not dispute the detail, saying the company is “responsible for how we apply enforcement, and as a matter of diligence, we will not apply a penalty in rare cases when the rating was not appropriate or warranted under the program’s established guidelines.”

The kid-glove treatment contradicts claims of anti-conservative bias leveled by Trump and his children, as well as by Republican leaders in Congress. It also renews questions about whether Facebook is prepared to act against the systematic spread of falsehoods that could intensify as vote tallies are reported this week.

I believe that FB said it was restricting all new political ads in the week leading up to elections. Did that happen or not?

While it would never happen, I really wish they disallowed ALL political advertising completely. I might actually use the service again! As it is now, I open it, read my family and friends posts then close it. I never post on it. Thus, I never see political anything and my blood pressure stays normal as a result!
Keeping in mind that fact checking basically amounts to

While it would never happen, I really wish they disallowed ALL political advertising completely.
+1 to this.

A friend complained to me about political ads on YouTube. I use YouTube allot, but my account doesn’t get ads. One day I accidentally logged in with an account that isn’t exempted from seeing ads and was surprised at how inundating the political advertisements were; I encountered them before almost any video.
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