This is one of the issues of course troubling the UK, everyone keeps bouncing on about the naughty Muslims having too many kids, but in fact their fertility rate is just about where a ‘normal’ family was when I was a small kid and as a result we now have a situation beginning to wander towards the Japanese model where negative population growth is predicted. In my home country of Ireland you have population growth but that was mainly driven in recent years by a lot of immigration from Poland etc. That’s changed the demographics of the places as well and when someone did a news report on Irish TV the other day about kids looking at the names of victims of the Spanish Flu it was noticeable how many kids on screen had names like Natalia and Stanislaw, it was quite funny watching one girl with the former name. She had a very broad Dublin accent but then switched to Polish to talk to her friend for a minute who asked her a question. But that’s beginning to slow down. In a sense not a bad thing as Ireland could never support a massive population but it does, like the UK, need a replacement one who will care for older people and the mentality of that being the right thing to do imbued in people when young.
You have to have at least a modestly increasing population, whether by birth or by immigration, otherwise your society doesn’t work right. Contraception is the “secret sauce” that makes the modern world go around, but when people contracept themselves below replacement level, well, that’s a problem, and you don’t have to view it from a faith background to be able to see that.
I don’t even want to hear it, when those demographics that are contracepting themselves out of existence are replaced by those demographics who have more children, and the contraceptors see themselves being outnumbered and ruled by these people, and get themselves into a snit over it. Indeed, "the meek shall inherit the earth".
You have to have at least a modestly increasing population, whether by birth or by immigration, otherwise your society doesn’t work right. Contraception is the “secret sauce” that makes the modern world go around, but when people contracept themselves below replacement level, well, that’s a problem, and you don’t have to view it from a faith background to be able to see that.
I don’t even want to hear it, when those demographics that are contracepting themselves out of existence are replaced by those demographics who have more children, and the contraceptors see themselves being outnumbered and ruled by these people, and get themselves into a snit over it. Indeed, "the meek shall inherit the earth".