Trump Attacks SCOTUS and McCain

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“I am very disappointed in the United States Supreme Court, and so is our great country!” tweeted Mr Trump.

I think Trump truly thought he had the SCOTUS bought and paid for.

And in another post he lashed out at the late senator John McCain, who was widely hailed as a war hero when he died of cancer in August 2018. "Check out last in his class John McCain, one of the most overrated people in DC,” Mr Trump tweeted.

What a morally bankrupt, pathetic little man Trump is. Although I didn’t agree with everything McCain did as a politician, he had more character than Trump could ever dream about - not that Trump ever dreams about such things. What a disgusting individual.
Who lashes out at a dead person that no longer has anything to do with government? Who does this kind of thing? Trump continues to baffle me and embarrasses himself! That he’s NOT embarrassed is so revealing of his character. If anyone else delights in his tweets of this type, shame on them!
I’m glad he’s leaving soon and we won’t be subjected to his ongoing psychodramas any longer. As well as being pathetic, they’re just not that interesting (to me). I’d rather listen to a Bach sonata or read about terriers.
What is this obsession Trump has with McCain? Trump has indeed, almost singlehandedly, renewed interest in the psychoanalytic approach to interpreting people’s behavior. He is a deeply disturbed person, no doubt due to his childhood upbringing.
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I recently read an article about his childhood. It quoted a neighbor in his Jamaica Estates neighborhood who was a number of years younger than Donald.

This man’s parents had warned him to “stay away from Donald Trump” when was a boy. He told of an incident when he was a toddler in a playpen in his yard and his mother came out to find little boy Donald throwing rocks at the playpen.

I understand that kind of malice in children is indicative of some psychological defect. (Harming a smaller child, harming a pet or another animal)
Once when she left Dennis in a playpen in a back yard adjoining the Trumps’ property, Martha Burnham returned to find Donald throwing rocks at her son. “She saw Donald standing at the fence,” Dennis Burnham said, “using the playpen for target practice.”
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To us, maybe this is not a real attack of the SCOTUS, but to many of Trump’s most ardent loyalists, unfortunately no longer merely a fringe element, it is an attack, and it places the very lives of the Supreme Court Justices in danger. In a nutshell (pun intended), Trump is an instigator, comparable to a Mafia boss who hires a hit man to do the dirty work, while himself remaining clean.
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To the minds of the right lunatic fringe, who are not-so-fringe anymore, any disappointment expressed by Trump is construed as a threat.
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To the minds of the right lunatic fringe, who are not-so-fringe anymore, any disappointment expressed by Trump is construed as a threat.
I have not seen anyone that supports Trump that thinks that.
Actually, the only people I have seen express that opinion have been rabidly against Trump.
What is this obsession Trump has with McCain?
I suppose few of us would like to be measured against the standard of John McCain, especially those who are narcissists. Was not McCain everything President Trump is not?
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John McCain described the night he lost the Presidential Election:

“I slept like a baby”

“Yep, every two hours I woke up crying”

Compare that to the reaction Trump had.
Maybe with the end of caf we can have an end to the Trump bashing? It’s the same for Pope Francis! Read a few headlines and jump to think the worst!
I wouldn’t think of trying to bash the Pope. And I’ll shut up about President Trump when he shuts up and goes away.
He won’t shut up and go away but he will cease to be relevant, it’s already happening now.
John McCain endured torture in Vietnam and was against torture. Trump didn’t go to Vietnam but spent his time partying, avoiding STD’s and advocated for torture to be permitted by the US military.
He’ll try to maintain some relevancy but it simply won’t be the same as being president, and I for one intend to focus on other things than whatever he’s up to. Also he may very well an embarrassment to the U.S. but for those of us who never voted for him or supported him, he’s primarily an embarrassment to himself since I don’t feel personally responsible for his rise in the world.
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