Trump blames midterm losses on abortion issue

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Former president Donald Trump took to social media Sunday to blame Republican losses in the November midterm elections on candidates who opposed abortion for any reason.

His comments drew criticism from many pro-life advocates.

On his social media platform, Truth Social, Trump posted: “It wasn’t my fault that the Republicans didn’t live up to expectations in the MidTerms.”

“I was 233-20!” he added, referencing his win-to-loss ratio on candidates he endorsed.

“It was the ‘abortion issue,’ poorly handled by many Republicans, especially those that firmly insisted on No Exceptions, even in the case of Rape, Incest, or Life of the Mother, that lost large numbers of Voters,” Trump said.

“Also, the people that pushed so hard, for decades, against abortion, got their wish from the U.S. Supreme Court, & just plain disappeared, not to be seen again,” he added.

“Plus, Mitch stupid $’s!”

The pro-life political advocacy organization Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America responded with a Jan. 2 statement asserting that unambiguously pro-life candidates have an electoral edge.

“The approach to winning on abortion in federal races, proven for a decade, is this: state clearly the ambitious consensus pro-life position and contrast that with the extreme view of Democrat opponents,” read the statement titled “GOP Presidential Nominees Must Put Forth a Strong Pro-Life Agenda.”

“We look forward to hearing that position fully articulated by Mr. Trump and all presidential candidates,” the statement said.

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