Trump campaign posts dishonestly-clipped video of Biden

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I don’t like misrepresentation, but since CNN spent the entire 4 years doing just that (look at how they portrayed his words in Charlottesville, for example), they probably should STHU.

There are people with more credibility who can take up the charge of integrity.
Like CNN is the beacon of truth lol. They have no business “fact checking”.
There are people with more credibility who can take up the charge of integrity.
There is time for a proper use of an ad hominem. Those would be times when the truth of what is being reported is dependent on the reputation of the one reporting it - in this case, CNN. But this is not such a time. Why, because it is super easy, barely and inconvenience, to verify the truth of what they are reporting. I did so in less than 1 minute. Here is verification that does not rely on CNN at all:

The tweet by GOP Rapid Response Director, Steve Guest:

The Facebook posting from Team Trump:

The actual campaign speech from which the video was taken, positioned to 23:31 where the “pledge” occurs:

As you can see - without any reliance on CNN as a source - going directly to primary sources - and again, I found these so very easily - it is entirely true that the caption of “Biden Completely Botches the Pledge of Allegiance”, is based on dishonestly clipping the video to eliminate the context, which would have made it clear he was not attempting to recite the whole thing, but to highlight the part that relates to his earlier comment.

The next time you dismiss CNN as not a credible source, ask yourself if what is being reported really does rely on the credibility of CNN, or is dismissing them just a textbook example of an ad hominen.
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EVen a blind squirrel finds and acorn now and then. I don’t like manipulation, whether it is this, or Trump’s Charlottesville comments. I don’t recall you doing a deep dive to clear that up, though.

Either way, CNN has lost any credibility when it comes to caring about truth or fairness. So even when they are technically correct, they’re still losers. That’s the point - people would rather not hear from them when it comes to preaching honesty.
EVen a blind squirrel finds and acorn now and then. I don’t like manipulation, whether it is this, or Trump’s Charlottesville comments. I don’t recall you doing a deep dive to clear that up, though.

Either way, CNN has lost any credibility when it comes to caring about truth or fairness. So even when they are technically correct, they’re still losers. That’s the point - people would rather not hear from them when it comes to preaching honesty.
And that right there is what we call a deflection. The title of the thread is “Trump campaign posts dishonestly-clipped video of Biden”. That is the proper subject to comment on. When one has no valid rejoinder, but still doesn’t want to admit to the truth of the claim, one can try the deflection attack to shift the subject of the discussion away from the inconvenience truth of the dishonesty of the Trump campaign, and onto a discussion of any more vulnerable target - in this case CNN. This ploy sometimes works when the others (like me) take up the challenge and try to defend that more vulnerable target, and then the deflector wins, because regardless of the outcome of the debate over the credibility of CNN, the primary goal of avoiding any consideration of the aforementioned dishonesty has been accomplished. But not this time. For I will remind any readers here that the claim of the thread has been conclusively demonstrated, and not refuted by anyone.
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People, don’t be taken in by the ad hominem / deflection combo above. The dishonesty of the Trump campaign is established by video evidence above and has nothing to do with CNN or any other news outlet.
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