Trump goes to the SCOTUS yet again

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Why does he think the Supreme Court can do something? It is out of their hands, and in the hands of Congress.

The proposed remedy is ridiculous, curing an allegedly unfair Presidential election by a vote of legislators elected in the same election.

What is going on?
give him points for tenacity.
No, criticize him for casting doubt among the electorate about the process. He lost. Now he’s causing lasting harm to how we run this democracy/republic. There’s no constitutional issue which would get his case heard in SCOTUS. The high court has limited jurisdiction – not every garden variety appeal gets to the court of last resort.

Trump needs to give it a rest. What he is doing now is selfish and he needs to put the good of the nation above his vanity and his vain tilting at windmills.
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Out of curiosity, how closely are Americans following this now? In the UK, where we generally follow American news at least as closely as we follow British news, the media seems to have all but given up reporting on these various legal challenges. It seems rather ridiculous that the president is still trying to find ways in which he could possibly win a second term when it is clear that he has lost. If he needs any tips:

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Out of curiosity, how closely are Americans following this now? In the UK, where we generally follow American news at least as closely as we follow British news, the media seems to have all but given up reporting on these various legal challenges.
I think some are and some aren’t.

It’s really hard to tell. It’s certainly in the news.
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