Trump issues 26 new pardons, including ones for Stone, Manafort and Charles Kushner

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So, will CAF be here when he pardons Jared, Ivanka, junior and Eric?
His Staff will be working on those this weekend instead of being home with family?
Well, the pardonpalluza can’t pause for Christmas.

There are hundreds of criminals and contributors that need pardons.
Well, the pardonpalluza can’t pause for Christmas.

There are hundreds of criminals and contributors that need pardons.
That might well be an understatement.
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Trump is catching up on Pardons
2020 round 2 26
2020 so far 34
2019 3
2018 4
2017 1

so far.
Ok… let’s look at pardons granted by other presidents.
Franklin D. Roosevelt: 2,819 pardons
Harry S. Truman: 1,913 pardons
Dwight D. Eisenhower: 1,110 pardons
Woodrow Wilson: 1,087 pardons
Lyndon Johnson: 960 pardons
Richard Nixon: 863 pardons
Calvin Coolidge: 773 pardons
Herbert Hoover: 672 pardons
Theodore Roosevelt: 668 pardons
Jimmy Carter: 534 pardons
John F. Kennedy: 472 pardons
Bill Clinton: 396 pardons
Ronald Reagan: 393 pardons
William H. Taft: 383 pardons
Gerald Ford: 382 pardons
Warren Harding: 386 pardons
William McKinley: 291 pardons
Barack Obama: 212 pardons
George W. Bush: 189 pardons
George H.W. Bush: 74 pardons

Trump seems to be running behind.
Ivanka’s kids are probably the only children in US history where one grandfather pardoned the other.
I guess when one of the children does something like, “Mommy I got 100% on this test, but these two answers are wrong. I’ll tell the teacher to change the grade.”

Ivanka and Jared can both say, “They didn’t get that from my side!”

(It’s a joke, no need to flag 🤓)
Ivanka and Jared can both say, “They didn’t get that from my side!”
Stone and Manafort should never have been indicted. I will agree with all the Biden supporters on this pardon of Charles Kushner.
The younger Kushner has talked openly about how deeply his father’s imprisonment impacted his life. He was in his early 20s and a law and business school student in the mid-2000s when his father was sentenced and suddenly found himself having to run the family’s businesses while shuttling back and forth on weekends to see his father in Alabama.
Really how about the poor Aunt. This is one messed up family.
Kushner hired a prostitute to lure his brother-in-law, then arranged to have the encounter in a New Jersey motel room recorded with a hidden camera and the recording sent to his own sister, the man’s wife.

The scheme didn’t work. Kushner later pleaded guilty to tax evasion
I’d be ashamed of my father.

We all know it is who you know for many presidential pardons.
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