Trump Supporter: When VA Gov. Northam, Wife Got COVID-19 ‘Nobody Wished Death Upon Them’

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Trump Supporter: When VA Gov. Northam, Wife Got COVID-19 ‘Nobody Wished Death Upon Them’​

Matt Perdie


5 Oct 2020

A Trump supporter who was outside of Walter Reed Hospital told Breitbart News said that when Virginia governor Ralph Northam (D) and his wife tested positive for the Chinese coronavirus, “nobody wished death upon them,” unlike leftists who have been wishing death upon President Donald Trump in the wake of him testing positive for the virus.

“Donald Trump — obviously his America first approach rubbed everybody the wrong way. Who does it rub the wrong way? People that don’t love America,” said the Trump supporter to Breitbart News. “The way that I see it, if Donald Trump’s out here fighting for us, and he doesn’t have to — this guy left a life of luxury.” . . .

. . . “People on Twitter wishing him death upon him — I come from Virginia. Governor Northam and his wife both got COVID this past week. Nobody wished death upon him,” continued the Trump supporter. “That was not trending on Twitter; we wished nothing but the best.”

“And I don’t have to point out his practices or his past of his yearbook to determine what we feel about Ralph Northam in Virginia,” he added. . . .
That’s the difference between the right and the left. The left loves dirty tricks and meanness.
If we remove the partisan lenses, we’ll see that there is too much meanness and dirty deeds on both sides of the aisle.

Until “We The People” demand better from politicians and our government and say “ENOUGH!”, we’re going to continue this same trajectory, which I find more than a little bit frightening and disappointing.
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It is literally only the Democrats. They would not care if every Republican or conservative was wiped off the face of the Earth.
Not really.Typically you won’t see Republicans putting bumper stickers on their cars,or signs in their yards,why? The reason being the .left Dems can be counted on to key your ca,r trash your property etc.Its just way too risky.
Not to say all Dems act in this way but proportionately more so than Republicans
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Exactly! It’s the left Dems who behave badly both in the political rhelm and the public sphere.
I am asking you where the irony is. Is it now bad practice to get clarification?
Not really.Typically you won’t see Republicans putting bumper stickers on their cars,or signs in their yards,why?
I do. But depends on where I am. If I am in the blue metro-Atlanta area I see plenty of democratic signage. If I am in the red Kennesaw (also a pro second amendment county with a law saying every house must have a gun) or in Peachtree City (south of metro-Atlanta) then there is no shortage of Trump-Pence signs. What one observes may be regional.

Getting one’s car keyed for taking a side though isn’t restricted to politics. Having one’s car adorned with sports team signage can also lead to such outcomes.
I don’t know about that. I used to be a Democrat , and I remember a lot of bad things coming out of Republicans about Reagan, Bush, Dubya, and Obama. I don’t think anyone has the high ground here and the sooner people realize that, the better.
If I recall correctly,you actually supported Trump in 2016,didn’t you?
I did, and George W Bush before that for his second term. But when I was in college, I worked on Bill Clinton’s campaign locally (voted for him twice). I’ve seen things from both sides, and I’m not pretty fed up with both.
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I see them all the time.

I, just yesterday saw a pick-up-truck with a trump flag as big as a bedsheet blowing around.

I probably see more Trump bumper stickers than anybody else.
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A Trump supporter said when Ralph Northam and his wife tested positive for the Chinese coronavirus, “nobody wished death upon them.”
What is the “Chinese virus”?
The media will tell you here.
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