I think this quote from a pastor in the UK (not Catholic, but holds to traditional Christian rejection of homosexual acts) expresses the false dichotomy I see some Christians falling into:
The recent Independent article on Vicky Beeching’s sexuality is just the latest in a long line of similar articles in the popular media, each of which assumes that there are two camps when it comes to Christians and sexuality:
On the one hand, retrograde bigots who hate gays, troll, write abusive emails, perpetuate homophobia, and assume all same-sex attraction is demonic, and on the other hand, courageous heroes of compassion who are either gay themselves or are sure that God is absolutely fine with gay sex.
As for those asking “who on CAF condones gay sex” – I don’t think they post in Moral Theology often, and I doubt it’s within forum etiquette to call them out. However, I can think of some Catholic posters who are regulars on other subforums, who make it clear that they dissent from Catholic Church teachings about this topic.If those in the middle – those who love gay people, pastor gay people, care for gay people, and continue to preach the gospel and teach biblical truth to gay people – sit this one out, then the dominant narrative is simply reinforced.