My DD made her First Holy Communion the Sunday after Easter Sunday. Ok, this was something we all looked forward to. Now, the only picture that I had my heart set on was the one of her actually recieving Communion. We could not take our own pictures (which dh and I enderstood and were fine with), but they had an official photographer that would. The day arrives and I had filled out my form to give to the photographer and told her that the ONLY shot I wanted was of her at the actual moment of her recieving. Well , the photographer tried to talk me into this and that, this picture souviener with the name of the church, teacher, ect. I explained to her SEVERAL times that dd was homeschooled and the CCD teacher (who is a total sweetheart) was not dd teacher, I was and I didn’t really want the “souviener” that had a teacher on it that did not teach dd. She kept trying to sell me the group pic ( I told her NO again, that this was not dd class, she was just joining them so she would not have to make it by herself…) When I told her AGAIN that the only one I wanted her to take was dd recieving her response was “well there a a few that are taking pics on the alter after mass, posing on the kneeler…” No thank you, I WANT ONE OF HER RECIEVING…“well she is the only one having that pic taken”…NO! I want a pic of her recieving–that is it!! Well, FHC Mass goes beautifully, after Mass, I and other family members take some pics of dd. The Communion class took one also, which dd was included. Anyway, fast forward to last Sunday, the photog was back to deliver the pics. I went to get them from her and she hands me a packet with a GROUP picture and two bookmarks with dd picture on them (she had phtoshopped her out of the group pic) with the Church’s name, date, Priest, and name of the TEACHER and under dd pic she had MY NAME-----not dd!!!
She then goes on to tell me that she had to send off her disk from her camera to be “recovered”
because dd pic was the only one that did NOT come out!!
She told me that she would send more bookmarks with the right name and would let me know if they were able to recover dd pic. I called her this morning and she told me that dd pic COULD NOT be recoverd and told me that she would come back and take dd pic on the alter…I am sooooooooo disappointed, I really had my heart set on that one pic…I guess I should not be annoyed, cause we do have pics of her special day and in the grand scheme of things that could be wrong I guess not having the exact pic I wanted really isnt up there. We are so blessed as it is that I feel crummy for being upset…
I guess I needed to vent, thanks for listening…