Trying to Stop Demographic Suicide

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For nearly half a century China has imposed a “one-child policy” in a misguided attempt to control its population, forcing countless abortions and sterilizations. Because males are typically preferred for their ability to work on farms and carry on the family line, this policy has led to the widespread practice of sex-selection abortions and infanticide against females. China now has a severely unbalanced male/female ratio which is wreaking havoc on its society. As a result, the Chinese government said last week it will start drafting revisions to the Criminal Law to prohibit sex-selection abortions. And yet, for years the Chinese government has basically gone unsanctioned by the international community for its barbaric abuse of fundamental human rights.

So-called “pro-choice” organizations have praised the one-child policy. Now, nature itself is judging these forced abortions as inhumane by weakening the social structures of marriage and family. The idea that parents would kill a child because she does not fit the economic needs of the family is outrageous to most Americans, but truth be told, there are no laws prohibiting such action. U.S. law does not prohibit abortions for any reason, including sex-selection. It’s impossible to praise China’s self-contradictory population policy, but it is ironic that even Beijing is moving to stop sex-selection abortions. Congress and the Bush administration should encourage their movement and look afresh at our own house, where this practice goes uncondemned and unrestricted.

– Mark L. Chance.
blaming ecomonical problems on populations is an attempt to hide the inability of the goverment to control the economy. there’re similar attempts in Russia where economical problems are blamed on immigrants, “skinhead” for example


a survey shows on an average every chinese citizen has 19 sex companions during life. not too shocking compared with 3000 companions for a chinese emperor
On a side note: in many of the blue states the populations are receeding, and in many of the red states the populations are increasing. This means that in 2010, there will be more house seats for the red states and less for the blue states. Same goes for electors.
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