Tsunami Aid, Recommend a good organization to support?

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I want to send money to help the victims of the tsunami, but I want to be sure my money won’t be diverted to provide abortions and things like that. Can anyone recommend a good organization, or is this even something I should be worried about given the scope of the tragedy?

Thank you,
I want to send money to help the victims of the tsunami, but I want to be sure my money won’t be diverted to provide abortions and things like that. Can anyone recommend a good organization, or is this even something I should be worried about given the scope of the tragedy?

Thank you,
Catholic Relief effort.

Lisa N:
FWIW I’ve been trying to get through the Catholic Charities website but it is so busy I couldn’t get through. Going through the kintera site above worked just fine! Thanks for passing this on.

Lisa N
After the 9/11 debacle, with charities raking in money, and only slowly dribbling it out to those who needed it, my wife and I decided it was worth the time it took to get through to Catholic Relief.
You can donate to catholic relief services (CRS) or the catholic near east welfare association (CNEWA).
Check with your local parish and see if a collection will be taken any time soon. That is how I am going to give. I have heard some of the organizations have been overwhelmed and large lump sums through the church should be easier to handle.
vern humphrey:
After the 9/11 debacle, with charities raking in money, and only slowly dribbling it out to those who needed it, my wife and I decided it was worth the time it took to get through to Catholic Relief.
I absolutely agree. The Kintera site IS Catholic Charities and when I went through the website originally I ended up at the Kintera site when I hit the donation button. But apparently going directly to the site somehow sped up the process. Or maybe by the time I went back things had slowed down. I guess it’s a GOOD THING that these websites are so busy. It means a lot of donations are getting through.

I am certainly directing any donations to organizations that I trust. I wouldn’t give to the Red Cross anymore and I’m sort of dubious about some of the other big national organizations. We have two local organizations, Mercy Corps and NW Medical Teams that I do trust that any donation will end up helping people. NW Medical Teams particularly, has a faith orientation. Mercy Corps does as well although I don’t think they are as open about it.

I do direct most of my donations through the Catholic Charities now. I have a lot more faith that the money won’t be diverted to a nefarious purpose.

Lisa N
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