As a Southern Baptist, I don’t think this was meant as a stab at Catholicism. It was meant as an example that even some of the clergy in Catholicism can be out of tune with Christ. If given the opportunity, he probably would have said it about any number of the Protestant evangelists who have turned out to be duds. Every religious group has its frauds or people going through the mechanics of their job.I am not willing to call them frauds, however the track record is not very forgiving now is it?
I also find even the good ones, like Dr. Billy Graham, have many “soft” snit-Catholic attacks.
For example, several years ago I watched a Billy Graham Crusade on TV where he told those watching the story of a priest who rode this bus and a black woman who also rode the bus. The black woman got up the courage one day to tap him on the shoulder and ask him if he was “saved.” At which point the priest was startled and went home, pulled the bible off of the top shelf in his clothes closet and opened it and read it truly for the first time. At which point he was “born again” and immediately left the priesthood, got married, became a protestant apologist and a teacher at a protestant seminary.
Now this is replete with “soft” anti-Catholicism. So, even with the good ones the ‘buyer be ware’.