Maybe it would be good to teach him what is expected behavior at Mass and what happens at various points of the Mass.
You two could be praying the common prayers as night time prayers and that would help him memorize them.
You two could read the Sunday readings ahead of time and talk about them, and then see what the priest says about them in the homily. You could ask him what he found interesting in the homily, etc.
The more he knows about the Mass, the more it will appeal to him. And the more you share, for example, if something in a prayer hits you in a new way, or your reaction to some part of the Mass, the more open he will be because you are modeling how to get more out of the Mass.
I really like this book: Survey: 7 percent of reporters identify as Republican - POLITICO --the 2020 Sunday Missal which has all the parts of the Mass included. It is very small and thick. I buy some extras for people, and use cut-up Post-its to mark different places. (I also use Post-its for the prayers one of the churches I go to say in Latin)
And after Mass, go and do something like a pancake breakfast or picnic or something. Just make that whole time really nice and not stressful.
PS from my experience teaching, your son sounds pretty normal
You two could be praying the common prayers as night time prayers and that would help him memorize them.
You two could read the Sunday readings ahead of time and talk about them, and then see what the priest says about them in the homily. You could ask him what he found interesting in the homily, etc.
The more he knows about the Mass, the more it will appeal to him. And the more you share, for example, if something in a prayer hits you in a new way, or your reaction to some part of the Mass, the more open he will be because you are modeling how to get more out of the Mass.
I really like this book: Survey: 7 percent of reporters identify as Republican - POLITICO --the 2020 Sunday Missal which has all the parts of the Mass included. It is very small and thick. I buy some extras for people, and use cut-up Post-its to mark different places. (I also use Post-its for the prayers one of the churches I go to say in Latin)
And after Mass, go and do something like a pancake breakfast or picnic or something. Just make that whole time really nice and not stressful.
PS from my experience teaching, your son sounds pretty normal
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