First argument: 1) Mind is byproduct of brain activity, 2) Brain activity is the result of Mind, 3) From (1) and (2) we can deduce that mind should exist not and exist at the same moment which this is contradictory. Materialists believe that (1) is correct then they should give up (2). This means that mind cannot cause anything.
Second argument: 1) Mind which is a mental state is byproduct of brain activity , 2) Qualia which is a mental state is byproduct of brain activity, 3) To tell that mind experiences Qualia is then equivalent to say that a mental state experiences another mental state which is absurd. This means that mind cannot experience anything.
Second argument: 1) Mind which is a mental state is byproduct of brain activity , 2) Qualia which is a mental state is byproduct of brain activity, 3) To tell that mind experiences Qualia is then equivalent to say that a mental state experiences another mental state which is absurd. This means that mind cannot experience anything.