Two months since the riots and still no national conversation

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So the elected officials are joining the protesters, an utterly pointless act of virtue signaling.
But this can backfire on them. The rambunctious children (I mean protesters) in Seattle are now attacking the homes of the mayor and the police chief, demanding they defund the police.
I believe that the police chief called in the police. 🤣
In past years it was customary for U.S. citizens to write to their elected representatives to express their views. Now they just join street gangs, burn buildings, and throw things at the police. Well, some may post on Twitter but that’s a far cry from a well reasoned letter.
What. Did the prof. give you a bad grade?
I graduated cum laude with departmental honors and a member of ‘Who’s Who’. I was class president and my fraternity president.

What do you think?
So… the elected officials’ joining the protests is “doing something”?
Yes, I consider that doing something.
In past years it was customary for U.S. citizens to write to their elected representatives to express their views.
We’ve had street protests since before the Civil War.
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The level of discourse this represents speaks volume of the state of our educational system.
Your insulting comment is at least ungracious. Its time to leave off personalizing the discussion.
We just had an anti-mask protest in my area. Everyone was generally civil, only one cop was needed to watch it. Not a liquor store was burned, not a brick was thrown.
Yes, I consider that doing something.
So, if the employees of a company went on strike for more pay, would you consider it doing something if the owner of the company went out and started protesting with them?
I don’t think a ‘conversation’ on this topic is possible now. One side is self righteous and convinced they have all the answers and will shout you down if you so much as disagree with a point of theirs. The other is more firmly entrenched in their position as ever. Those in the middle are being shouted down primarily by one side.

It’s pointless and impossible.
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I don’t think the protesters or the rioters want a conversation. The just want destruction.
So, if the employees of a company went on strike for more pay, would you consider it doing something if the owner of the company went out and started protesting with them?
yes, i would consider it such.
I don’t think the protesters or the rioters want a conversation. The just want destruction.
I’m going to tell you the same thing I tell anyone who comes with me for the first time to a protest:
The core the idea of a protest is to inflict on others the inconvenience you feel for being downtrodden and unheard. This is done in the hopes that people would look on the protest and say “How did we let these people be so mistreated, they are blocking traffic?”

Failing that make the neutral parties so mad you won’t stop blocking traffic, making a scene, they will beg the powers that be to capitulate.

If you do not think things have gotten bad enough too justify that then you are better off not attending.

So a conversation is wanted but the offended have gotten so angry they are not going to allow that conversation to be dictated by anyone else other then them.
If you find that repugnant then you (plural, not you specificly) should not have allowed it to get this bad in the first place.
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I see the peaceful protesters and I think they have valid points that ought to be discussed and have something done about.

I see people blocking the highways, looting, rioting, and setting fires, and I say, no way. Do not give in to what they want or they will think that the thing to do every time they want something all they have to do is start destroying and everyone will give in.

I would not become “so mad [they] won’t stop blocking traffic, making a scene, [that I]** will beg the powers that be to capitulate.**” That is giving in to bullying and extortion.
yes, i would consider it such.
Oh, then no one needs to make any changes, we can just all go out and hang out in the streets with the protesters and everyone will be happy! No need for a national conversation except the one happening in the street!
One side is self righteous and convinced they have all the answers and will shout you down if you so much as disagree with a point of theirs. The other is more firmly entrenched in their position as ever. Those in the middle are being shouted down primarily by one side.
I partially agree and partially disagree with this. I would say that both sides are self righteous and will shout down any who disagree; that both sides are more entrenched than ever; that those in the middle are being shouted down by both extremes more or less equally.

Neither extreme wants a conversation, they want total submission to their view.
I would say that both sides are self righteous and will shout down any who disagree; that both sides are more entrenched than ever; that those in the middle are being shouted down by both extremes more or less equally.

Neither extreme wants a conversation, they want total submission to their view.
So far there is only one side that is participating in this “conversation”. Where do you see the other side?
I can’t go to youtube at the moment so I can’t look at it. Could you summarize? In any case, you made reference to a statement. Making a statement is not having a conversation; that takes more than one participant.
I honestly only see one side shouting others down at the moment. Perhaps we have different experiences on this.
Maybe we do. I see basically everybody talking or yelling and nobody listening and those who aren’t tied to either extreme are ignored at best and lumped in with “the enemy” at worst.
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