Simple enough for those who understand probability theory. You cannot just look at some “outcome” and declare that it was “improbable” without knowing its Kolmogorov space. That is why I am not interested in going into details because the opponents simply do not know what they are talking about, and I don’t want to waste long months and years to educate them (especially without being paid for the efforts).
The same applies to abiogenesis. Also the so-called “intelligent design”.
This series of statements
"like having an explosion in a paint factory and all of Shakespeare’s works appear on the wall. "
“That is NOT what I say, that is what the “intelligent design” proponents say.”
Yes, as an example of how NOT to reason""
does not lead to a Kolmogorov space argument conclusion. If you want to present a coherent argument, then do it logically. If you want to use big words and complex sounding words, fine, we can accept it. You just need to explain in layman’s terms what it means. This is after all not a mathematicians gathering water hole. If you want to run away hiding behind complex words claiming we are too ignorant, that is also fine. All you need to do is come in here throw a few hefty sounding words around and leave, ensuring that most of us with no idea what you are sprouting.
As the OP you started with very fine logic challenging us. Couldn’t you just maintain the same standard of presentation and logic?
If you are starting with a hypothesis that it is more probable that life started under random conditions, then when the calculations come in, you shouldn’t work backwards to find a theory that fits your data. Just conclude that it is highly unlikely that life/universe started randomly. With many many zeros of improbability.
Many scientists initially thought that the universe is eternal. Then when the evidence for the Big Bang came in, they postulate it started naturally. It is when they look at the details did many start to question the likelihood of it under random conditions. Then the computations follow. Then the unpalatable conclusions. This universe is simply not randomly created. The fine tuning is so precise. They did not know the conclusion beforehand that it is improbable.
So as with life. Many scientists started with the assumption that there is certainty of other life out there based upon the sheer numbers of stars/planets. Most thought it is just some glob and really easy to start life. But when the details come in, more and more scientists are realising that it is not so simple after all. It is definitely not looking at the end result and concluding it is improbable. It is after the Frankenstein type Miller-Urey experiments that they realise it is not so simple as putting a bunch of cocktails and one has life. You have it backwards.
But if the calculations were to indicate that universe/life is most probable as a result of random natural forces, would you have pulled out your Kolmogorov space defense? Only you can answer that.
One example, which you can use to investigate further, if you are interested. There is a bag loaded with different colored balls. You reach is and pull out one, and it happens to be a red one. It is an invalid question to ask: “what was the probability of this event”? You need to know the a-priori distribution of the balls before you can ask such questions.
Fine. Then construct an argument for
- the creation of the universe using this logic and arriving at the conclusion that the fine-tuned universe came about most likely under the random forces of nature.
2)the creation of biological life/DNA using this logic and arriving at the conclusion that life came about most likely under the random forces of nature.
You can use any probability methods you wish. I won’t hold you back. All I am asking is that you construct and declare the hypothesis before you start so that you avoid the appearance of data fitting or theory fitting. And that should be easy for science/maths geeks to do. These are all approved science syllabus funded by tax payers monies. There should be lots of successful examples of such work done?
If the calculation is in your favour, then many physicists and cosmologists will not be desperately looking for alternative answers such as the non-provable multiverse. Like I said before, I am not married to any theory, just show me inference to the best explanation. I can be persuaded.
Most of us are not paid for participating in this forum. We are here to learn and exchange and debate ideas using basic rules of logic and inference. Complex subjects can be simplified to layman language so that more people can participate. If you need help to present your argument rationally, I am sure there are some folks here who can help. But you have shown that you can present your premises clearly if you choose to. But you have not shown that you can be persuaded by improbability. It is unfortunate that you are married to your shaky foundations.