Well, just to show that I’m not trying to pump the numbers in a biased way, I just found another reference.
REFERENCE: Stix, R.E.; Wiehl, D.G. (1938) Abortion and the Public Health. American Journal of Public Health, May edition. Pages 621-628.
According to one population sample in New York City conducted in 1935-1936, covering 1525 pregnancies in the population as a whole, 2.9% of pregnancies ended in illegal abortion (see Table 1), while 85.4% ended in live birth. That would imply an induced abortion ratio per 1000 live births of 1000 x 2.9 / 85.4 = 34.0. Another survey in New York for 1931-1932 found 2.1% of pregnancies ending in illegal abortion, with 86.7% ending in live birth. That would imply an induced abortion ratio of 26.6. Another study in New York City for 1931-1932 found 3.2% of pregnancies ending in illegal abortion, with 85.0% ending in live birth. That would imply an induced abortion ratio of 37.6 per 1000 live births.
On the other hand, according to CDC’s latest statistics (for 2010), New York City has an abortion ratio (per 1000 live births) of 694. By another calculation,
Looking at one city, New York City, the abortion ratio was about 20 times higher in 2010 than it was in the 1930s.
However, there’s more… A survey in Chicago of white women having at least their second child in 1931-1932 found 2.1% of prior pregnancies ending in illegal abortion, with 86.7% ending in live birth. That would imply an induced abortion ratio of 24.2 per 1000 live births.
According to the Illinois Department of Public Health, there were 23,840 abortion in Cook County, IL – home to Chicago. There were 72,995 births within the County. That implies that the abortion ratio was 1000 * 23840 / 72995 = 326.6. The ratios do not reflect similar populations, so it’s impossible to compare 1930s Chicago with 2010. Still, we can compare the white Chicago survey with the white non-Hispanic population of the U.S. as a whole. There, the abortion ratio is about 158 for the year 2008. So, the ratios have definitely increased, by about a factor of 6-7.
Birth rates alone could explain a reasonably large fraction of this change, but abortion itself could play a role,
REFERENCE: Stix, R.E.; Wiehl, D.G. (1938) Abortion and the Public Health. American Journal of Public Health, May edition. Pages 621-628.
According to one population sample in New York City conducted in 1935-1936, covering 1525 pregnancies in the population as a whole, 2.9% of pregnancies ended in illegal abortion (see Table 1), while 85.4% ended in live birth. That would imply an induced abortion ratio per 1000 live births of 1000 x 2.9 / 85.4 = 34.0. Another survey in New York for 1931-1932 found 2.1% of pregnancies ending in illegal abortion, with 86.7% ending in live birth. That would imply an induced abortion ratio of 26.6. Another study in New York City for 1931-1932 found 3.2% of pregnancies ending in illegal abortion, with 85.0% ending in live birth. That would imply an induced abortion ratio of 37.6 per 1000 live births.
On the other hand, according to CDC’s latest statistics (for 2010), New York City has an abortion ratio (per 1000 live births) of 694. By another calculation,
Looking at one city, New York City, the abortion ratio was about 20 times higher in 2010 than it was in the 1930s.
However, there’s more… A survey in Chicago of white women having at least their second child in 1931-1932 found 2.1% of prior pregnancies ending in illegal abortion, with 86.7% ending in live birth. That would imply an induced abortion ratio of 24.2 per 1000 live births.
According to the Illinois Department of Public Health, there were 23,840 abortion in Cook County, IL – home to Chicago. There were 72,995 births within the County. That implies that the abortion ratio was 1000 * 23840 / 72995 = 326.6. The ratios do not reflect similar populations, so it’s impossible to compare 1930s Chicago with 2010. Still, we can compare the white Chicago survey with the white non-Hispanic population of the U.S. as a whole. There, the abortion ratio is about 158 for the year 2008. So, the ratios have definitely increased, by about a factor of 6-7.
Birth rates alone could explain a reasonably large fraction of this change, but abortion itself could play a role,